And he's holding the gunnel with one hand. Tsk, tsk.
And the one handed air brace! I paddled Bull Sluice (via kayak--I have learned the error of my ways) in 1980 or so--it's not very open-boat friendly.
And he's holding the gunnel with one hand. Tsk, tsk.
That looks like Pierre in his William Commanda birchbark. It is in the Canadian Canoe Museum now.
And not to get too political but Justin in that tupperware POS was the result of a very last minute desire by his PR people to have him paddle something for the cameras in Sudbury during last falls election campaign.
The look on his face says how much he was enjoying that experience...![]()
Here's a little Canadian content, should be easy to guess. The differences in canoes says it all, as far as I'm concerned.
The canoeist with the largest sculpture in the world, Mount Rushmore, is seen in 1905 with what could be a Rushton lapstrake canoe: