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Personal hygiene on extended trips (The Deodorant Debate)

Personal hygiene on extended trips (The Deodorant Debate)

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Brad may know - Is that pouch at the bottom of the loin cloth thong designed to hold what I think?

Should I measure that inseam before ordering? What about when it gets cold?

Mike, your education is deficient. These are women's G-strings. There's no pouch. If you doubt me, check the website and view the reverse angle. Also look at the sizing.
Mike, your education is deficient. These are women's G-strings. There's no pouch. If you doubt me, check the website and view the reverse angle. Also look at the sizing.

I’ll have you know I is a High School graduate.

No pouch? I could keep a Bic lighter in there, taint warmed enough to flame. “You need a lighter? Just let me grub around near my balls for a minute”.

I’ll take your word for it; I ain’t checking the website for sizing and reverse angles. Gawd only knows what kind of pop up ads or Amazon “Other people bought” suggestions I would get.
Gee, I wonder why you have no idea what a woman's G-string looks like....

It doesn’t look like the thing I tuck dollar bills into at the strip club.

Back when I was more tobacco addicted, and cigarettes were 35 cents a pack, I carried both regulars and menthols. I typically wore reversible operating room scrub shirts, which had breast pockets on both sides, inside and out, and carried a different pack of smokes in each pocket.

A panhandler, seeing me light up, asked “Hey brother, you got a smoke to spare?”. I pulled out both packs, one from underneath the scrub shirt, and offered him a choice.

He said “I’ll take whichever didn’t come outa yer titties”
That pouch could hold something fishier.

One of this year’s wait staff pranks at my once a week diner was a $5 bill tip (on a $3 tab). It was bold letter Sharpied “THIS WAS IN MY ARMPIT”. Dunked in my water glass before leaving so it was good and damp.

Next week another of my favorite waitresses mentioned that the recipient carried it into the kitchen, ran it slowly along under her nose while sniffing, murmuring “Ah, that’s some manly stuff”

The wait staff there each gets a $20 with a festive ribbon near Christmas time. I tell them that a jolly old fat man with a big grey beard left it for them. Love those ladies, especially those that give as good as they get.

Next table prank will involved a “Learn Spanish Easy” table placard affixed to the wall beside the booth, with everything on the table Post-it Note marked with the English and Spanish translations; salt, pepper, sugar, cream, ketchup, jellies & jams, water glass, coffee cup, dirty plate, silverware, table crumbs with an arrow and a “gratificación” hefty tip.

I do love those willing wait staff playmates. Starting a morning off with a shared laugh is so worth the effort, and keeps me smiling all day long.
Anyone with an easy and accepting sense of humor is good in my book.
I've probably been more hygienic on trips than I am now at home in retirement, a rumpled semi-hermit, long gone from my Brooks Brothers professional days.

On trips, I always carried a small deodorant and electric shaver and used both every day. Crikey, they're only a few ounces and take seconds or a minute to use. My mantra, formed originally when I was a serious whitewater boater, was: "Lose discipline off the river and you'll lose it on the river."

I take a quick bath-swim daily whenever the weather and temperature are tolerable. Also, I always feel wake-up better and cleaner in the morning if I wash my face and hair. I bring biodegradable liquid soap and wet wipes. I usually bring one change of pants and three shirts no matter the length of the trip. In warm times, I don't see the point of underwear, anywhere, and would always cut out the mesh briefs of bathing or sport shorts when I paddled in them.

Now that I've been sporting a stubble beard for about a year, I probably wouldn't shave on short trips anymore.
Mike McRae; " “You need a lighter? Just let me grub around near my balls for a minute”. do you really want to keep an ignition source that close to your exhaust pipe? Especially after eating something like FD Turkey tetrazzini?:eek:
Eric Billard...
Deodorant is for the weak, I take pride in my barbarism.

Ancient history IIRC has it that eating large quantities of garlic would make one strong, esp in the case of gladiators where if a sword couldn't do the job, maybe a well-aimed exhalation would. A counterargument to using deodorant ... sort of.

Maybe the Vikings did, close quarters on those long trans-Atlantic journeys.

I am a fan of wet wipes on salt water or off season trips where a swim won’t cut it to feel clean. Not diaper-smell “baby wipes” but less malodorous “Wet Ones” decanted from the tub and double ziplocked..

I do have a small bar of anti-bacterial soap, but that is reserved for the first aid kit and rarely used. Toothpaste always on a trip, deodorant never, although a deodorant stick lives in the tripping truck and is the first thing I grab at the take out.

Some kind of biodegradable soap, the same Campsuds used for dishes works as shampoo. On warm/hot weather trips I sleep better if my hair and head are not greasy grimy. Or even on long off season trips; even if I have to warm enough rinse water to wash my hair I know I will feel refreshed if not actually smell better.

Some personal hygiene stuff is pre-trip prep. I cut my hair very short before a trip, a #2 buzz cut. Same for my finger/toe nails. And I bring nail clippers, for some reason I have a tendency to mangle even short cut fingernails during a trip.

I also like short hair, but so do the bugs, I find. Is it just my scalp that seems to attract skeeters like a dinner bell to hungry cowboys? Around my temples, nape and ears is prime doins for blood suckers. Does anyone find eating garlic helpful for repelling all but the most italian bugs?
I also like short hair, but so do the bugs, I find. Is it just my scalp that seems to attract skeeters like a dinner bell to hungry cowboys? Around my temples, nape and ears is prime doins for blood suckers. Does anyone find eating garlic helpful for repelling all but the most italian bugs?

My hair is so thin and receding that it doesn’t provide much of a bug barrier. My neckbeard on the other hand is wooly enough to act as mosquito netting, or to ensnarl the occasional deerfly.

I think an exposed scalp (ears, back of neck) is the perfect unseen ambush landing zone for biting nasties. I don’t much like wearing hats, and detest wearing a head net, but I will don a hat for bug protection, often one with a drape that helps cover my ears and neck.

I’m not a fan of DEET on my head, accidentally rubbed or sweated into my eyes. Or of inadvertently swatting my sunglasses into the drink. So I spray the outside of the hat with DEET.

DEET does no favors for silk screened logos or any nylon hat parts, but Amazon does not yet off a replacement human head in my size.

Never tried garlic. Never tried tucking a drier sheet under the back of the hat either; only because drier sheets have yet to make it onto my packing list.
I pretty much wear a hat of some variety 100% of the time while tripping for sun protection, bug protection, and warmth.

My mom hates gnat season (slightly less voracious cousin to the black fly) because they're constantly getting in her hair and trying to burrow to the scalp. No such problems with a hat and even with a naked but shortly shorn head a wipe of the hand will clear the scalp from brow to back. Nowhere for them to hide.

Like Mike I put bug dope on the hat.

Is bug dope on the topic of deodorant or personal hygiene? Ah, heck, when did that ever matter.

Of course one should put bug dope on a hat and also on clothes. Either use permethrin treated clothing or at least spray DEET around your neck, wrist and ankle clothings. However, I also have no problem putting DEET on my skin when paddling in a loincloth in the tropics.
I will brush my teeth (of course this is east tn, so most of us do good to have any teeth) I do use antiperspirant after taking a swim. I like hitting the sack clean. I do have a good head of hair, so this is a challenge in cold weather. Like memaquay, cheap socks and skivvies. I would hate for my wife (she has most of her teeth by the way) to have to de-toxify my undies when i got home. Wow its great being back!