• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

Parracord DIY cinch straps

May 28, 2014
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Ontario, Canada
While it's a marshmallow world out there, I figured that I would keep myself busy with a little DIY project. These are basic cinch cords for all sorts of uses.

I know that in the past, there have been posts pointing members to something similar to what I have just made, so my apologies if someone gets offended thinking that I'm trying to muscle in on another's territory. Not my intention at all.

Here we go...

These are the supplies you'll need...
550 Parracord
plastic zipper pull ends
cord locks

Pretty simple really. Just cut the parracord to your desired length. In my case I settled on 2 lengths...24" and 18"
Melt the ends with the lighter so they don't unfurl. Then open up the zipper pull end, and insert both melted ends and close the pull, to lock the cord in place
Squeeze the cord lock, and insert the folded end into the open channel. Pull it down to where you need it


Voila! Simple cinch cord for next to nothing
$13 for 100ft of cord
$0.50/ cord lock
$0.50/zipper pull end
= $1.19 for the 18" cord and $1.26 for the 24" cord

Prices are in Canadian dollars for my US friends :)

I plan on using these all over the place. hanging off the gunwales (inserted through the scuppers), hanging off my packs, binding paddles together, etc. More cord locks can be added at any point, and the zipper pulls can also be removed with a little finesse, if I need a longer or shorter length.

Not too bad for about 10 minutes work. Now what am I going to do?



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I like 'em. Nice. I have miles of paracord, and live just a few miles from a Mountain Equipment Co-op.
I'm already thinking of uses for these things, and I've only just learned how to make 'em.
Thanks Momentum.
Nice, simply, functional. I like! Some made with small bungee cord would be nice too.

Thanks for that link Mike, I just emailed them. If you order 48 or more, you may as well buy them. I can't see a DIY being much cheaper when you factor in time, postage etc.
Ya, thanks Mike. I knew I had seen these kind of things somewhere but couldn't remember where.

Looks like a great price for the versatility you get.