• Happy Birthday, Chuck Berry (1926-2017)! 🎸

Paddling in the wind, which way do you lean?

Do you lean into the wind, away from it or try to keep your boat flat side to side?
I'm assuming you're referring to beam wind? If you're into a headwind, yes you're leaning into it (forward). If side (beam) wind, and strong (a relative term), I would lean into it, and generally paddle on the windward side. If your boat is empty, little gear, this effect is more noticeable. If full, heavy with gear, it is probably way less noticeable. That's me, though. Others may do it differently and make it work for them.
Mostly what others have said. Know thy strengths. Know thy limitations. Know thyself. Otherwise...
My facetious approach is to lean into the coffee pot and give myself a generous pour, lean back in my chair, settle just under the tarps drip edge and enjoy the windswept view.
Mostly what others have said. Know thy strengths. Know thy limitations. Know thyself. Otherwise...
My facetious approach is to lean into the coffee pot and give myself a generous pour, lean back in my chair, settle just under the tarps drip edge and enjoy the windswept view.
....and then I pack up and go home........
Depends on how strong the wind and whether there are waves and what size. For instance, I was out on the downwind side of the lake a couple days ago. Light wind, but the long fetch provided some 1' waves. I didn't do any leaning into the wind, but let the boat rock under me with each passing wave.

OTOH, I have been hit with wind gusts strong enough to stop me against current - which required leaning away from current and into the wind. Same thing without current if the gust is strong enough.

I can't think of any time I purposely lean away from wind other than executing a turn. If I'm solo in a big lightly loaded tandem, I am definitely not leaning away from a strong wind.