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Old Town Pack value?

Yes, Facebook Marketplace. Shoppok.com is another resource for sales data, as they take a snapshot of Craigs List ads before the ads disappear forever.
Clemens, is that your Pack? Did some of them come with the OldTown badge/plate or was that added?
Yes, my fourth Pack, narrowed to 30 1/2 inch max beam. Old Town has put that badge on nearly every canoe as long as I can remember, but they sometimes get removed when folks add outfitting like Scotty mounts.
My next has the badge but the Pack i’m getting does not have one in the photos. Must have veen removed at some point.
My next has the badge but the Pack i’m getting does not have one in the photos. Must have veen removed at some point.
As I went back to your pics and enlarged the bottom one, the decks almost look like the aftermarket replacement ones Oak Orchard Canoe sells. They may have been replaced, as even without the Old Town badge, there should be an embossed nest where the badge is placed. Compare my 2007 decks, especially the hand-hold, with yours. By chance, are you buying this from the guy in Middletown NY?
No its in Maine. There is a picture on the inside too that he had scribbled over something in black marker. I assumed it was his name and address or something but maybe the Orchard logo? Ill find the photo and post it.
Ill ask him if hes replaced anything. He said he bought it new 10 years ago so he is the only owner. Would that hurt the value or make it weigh more? Thanks for all the info!!!


Edit: I see what you mean by decks (I dont know all of boat terms yet). I think maybe that writing was his address because I can make out the first letter to his first name…
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The 2012 through 2014 Packs had the cool decks with built in cleats. It's probably nothing, but give it a good look-over anyway. 2012_2014.jpg

Ask him for the last two digits of the serial/hull number.
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My new Pack!!! Looks like mine is the last year but for some reason they used these decks instead of the other ones. Who knows why this one came with this style deck but the owner said the boat is 100% original. Maybe Old Town just used bits and pieces to make the last few Packs? Especially since I live so close to Old Town Canoe, maybe they put a few of these together for a local store/outfitter?

Do all of the Packs have these molding lines across the width?

Seen some use and has some scrapes and small dents but absolutely nothing wrong with it. Now I wont fret about using it how I want to without being overly careful. Cannot wait to try it out this afternoon😃IMG_2001.jpeg
I did some searching and have found a few photos and a video of Packs that have the same deck as mine. Weird but doesn’t seem like it’s anything to worry about.
I think I’ll use it the rest of this season and see if it needs any modifications.
My new Pack!!! Looks like mine is the last year but for some reason they used these decks instead of the other ones. Who knows why this one came with this style deck but the owner said the boat is 100% original. Maybe Old Town just used bits and pieces to make the last few Packs? Especially since I live so close to Old Town Canoe, maybe they put a few of these together for a local store/outfitter?

Do all of the Packs have these molding lines across the width?

Seen some use and has some scrapes and small dents but absolutely nothing wrong with it. Now I wont fret about using it how I want to without being overly careful. Cannot wait to try it out this afternoon😃
Congratulations! Final year of production, that's awesome. Yes, all modern Old Town Packs (not the original Chipewyan 12's) have the bands. The Engineers at Old Town, in their effort to lighten the weight, designed a Royalex sheet that varied in thickness, much like composite boat builders add partial sheets of Kevlar or Glass toward the center of the canoe. Thicker toward center, where the hull bears the solo paddler weight.
Can anyone recommend a good single blade paddle for the Pack? I’m 6’ tall. Currently watching Rugged Outdoors’ paddle videos now to get some insight🙂
I now know why some people call this a “tub”, it is much wider than my next but feels tippier initially. Must be because of the high seating position? Still, I like it! Paddled around and fished for a couple hours and didn’t have any issues besides my back killing me lol. Definitely need to look into a different seat or some of those knee pads….

A regular paddle is in order as well, the kayak paddle worked okay but I got soaked and it just feels like a regular paddle will work better . Will get one asap.
