I just picked up my third OT Pack for what I consider a fair price, a 2010 model for $575. I have never found anything to love about the Pack, other than the 34 pound weight when I lift her off the ground. The hulls oilcan ever so slightly, the big ugly OT gunnels creak incessantly and they require a good bit of effort to track with a single blade. On one of the previous two Packs, I relocated the seat to 6 inches back from center (as most of my solos are) to improve trim. The downside, unfortunately, is that increases the need to reach over an additional inch for a good vertical paddle stroke. Other canoes came along and she was sold off for working capital. On the second Pack, I experimented with pinching the gunnels in slightly to improve tracking, a technique I have used in other Royalex canoes. While this stiffened the hull somewhat, the Pack bends right at the molded-in keel, resulting in a strange variation of an unstable rounded hull. After returning this canoe to OEM specs, she was sold off as well. So on this third Pack, I will refrain from trying to make it anything than what it is for me: a lightweight plastic ‘plinker’ for thin bony local streams that I can portage easily on my 65 year old shoulders. Luckily, I have more suitable craft for day-tripping and big water.