• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Oh Canada!....

Temps are up, above freezing up here, it seems that is the new trend since a few years... And less snow than usual and that as been like that for the last 3 winters... It will freeze again, but I still hate it when it goes above freezing in the winter, I moved up here 20 years ago to escape that!!
Temps are up, above freezing up here, it seems that is the new trend since a few years... And less snow than usual and that as been like that for the last 3 winters... It will freeze again, but I still hate it when it goes above freezing in the winter, I moved up here 20 years ago to escape that!!

Same exact thing up here, but I can understand that being at sea level and on the coast. I would have thought WH would be cold and dry all winter being where it is.
Same exact thing up here, but I can understand that being at sea level and on the coast. I would have thought WH would be cold and dry all winter being where it is.

Use to be... from october to april, no melt or rarely, dry as bone, not much for snow on the ground, enough but not much. Now we don't get anymore snow, the temps are much milder, and we have that stupid taw in January! I need to move higher north....
Staying below freezing would be nice since we will get into thaw/freeze daily cycles to make the city part of my commute interesting. Plus' in January here are rare events and now we have +3C for two days this week forecast. We have also had more snow than usual already and when the ground froze last Autumn it was already saturated. We have not had a big flood since 2011 but this could be the year. Be paddling the fields all around us.
Back to sub zero F temps again this week. More snow starting Wednesday, with not-so-cold temps, then the mercury dives again.

This may be the year to run the Owyhee, the Bruneau, and the Jarbidge for a lot of paddlers. Mountain snowpack is the best we've seen in years. (Looking for that silver lining)
I'm staying home today. I slipped and slid to the curb-side this morning taking out the garbage. We get at least one ice storm every winter. This is a meek and mild one compared to some of the old man winter temper tantrums of winters past. I'll take the day off anyway. Our snow's all gone, with nothing lingering in field and forest to remind us of the "magical" time of year; the magic is gone. With any luck Mihun and Canotrouge will conspire to send us southerners a blast from the past of moisture laden cold air; a polar mass howling down from the north, skimming across the eastern prairie like stones dancing across water, picking up Great Lakes liquid treasure, to dump more traffic snarling school closing white wonderment once again. I live in hope.
Meanwhile 400 kms to the north my grandson is putting the finishing touches to his freshly made quinzhee. Grandpa is still waiting for photographic proof he is having as much fun as I used to when I was that age...and had as much winter treasure to enjoy.
More snow coming today.. Not that much.. 8 inches. 20 cm.. Making snowshoes useful again. We are coming on some two months of constant snowpack but no really big blows except the 27 incher after Christmas.
Odyssey do you have traction devices for your shoes/boots? Everyone here does cause the roads get packed down to ice.
Yup YC, we each have a pair of those handy things for our boot soles. They're kept by the back door. I keep forgetting to put them on. And my coat. And my mitts. It was a long cold stupid slide taking out the garbage this morning.
Interesting vid that shows how arctic ice is disappearing. One of the effects in the news IIRC was the jet stream moving further north with time and becoming more wavy causing greater temp fluctuations, with warm and cold spells becoming more extreme.


The Arctic Is Getting Crazy

Feedback loops between record Arctic temperatures and the jet stream may be altering our weather

by Mark Fischetti on January 5, 2017

In the past year the climate in the Arctic has at times bordered on the
absurd. Temperatures were 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit above average in some places during the recent Christmas week. Through November the area of ice-covered ocean in the region reached a record low in seven of 11 months—an unprecedented stretch. More important, perhaps, the difference between Arctic temperatures and those across the midlatitudes of North America, Europe and Asia during 2016 was the smallest ever seen.
That narrowing gap is important to note because it seems to be driving extreme weather in the midlatitudes, from heat waves and droughts to heavy snowfalls. Why is the Arctic so crazy lately, and how strong is the connection to bad weather to its south, where so many people live?

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-38c yesterday, warming up to -20c today, south wind will bring some warmer temps, but staying below freezing!!
Here in Red Lake we are going through a crazy warm spell. The snowpack is disappearing and the lakes are sketchy for travel. We need a good solid freeze for another 2 weeks and some more snow or else spring will be very early. To get a warm day or two is not unusual but this has been about a week now. Crazy weather for sure.