A couple of years ago I was out with my local canoe/kayak club on our usual Sunday run -- a Class I-II section of the Potomac known as the GW canal. You don't have to be a club member to paddle with us and it isn't unusual for new faces to show up. Sometimes they enjoy themselves and join the club. Sometimes not. But the new ones almost always take the friendly safety advice. PFDs for everyone is rule one.
On this particular Sunday, a kayaker showed up in a rec boat (no skirt). Nobody knew her but she claimed to be an experienced kayaker. She had a PFD that she was semi wearing -- she had her arms through it, but it was the kind with a central zipper down the front and it wasn't zipped and the entire thing was kind of loosely draped over her.
As we sat in an eddy before going into the first rapid, I casually brought my canoe up next to her and quietly suggested that she zip up the PFD because it was likely to come off if she capsized. She looked at me and said, "Well, I never, ever bother to zip it and I've never had a problem."
You can guess what happened next. Less than five minutes later, she hit a submerged branch, flipped her kayak, and did a wet exit. As she broke the surface, the PFD came up over her head, and almost totally off of her. She couldn't use her arms to swim so she pulled them out the rest of the way and the PFD floated away. Fortunately, it was close to shore and I and the other the club members towed her and her boat safely to shore and tracked down the PFD and assorted flotsam and jetsum that had come out of her boat's cockpit (except her camera which sank and was never found).
Instant karma like that rarely happens, but it did this day.
Oh, when we got back to the parking lot, she had a flat tire. And her spare was flat, too We called her a tow truck. She has never been back out with the club and we're all perfectly ok about that.