• Happy National Banana Bread Day! 🍌🍞

Observations From My First Trip

Two interesting tidbits about northern and southern Canada.

Kathleen and I finished our 1993 Thelon River trip in the Arctic community of Baker Lake, on Chesterfield Inlet of Hudson Bay. At a little over 64 degrees north, Baker Lake is the nearest community to Canada's geographic center (centre). So you might say that even Baker Lake is not yet "northern" Canada.

The southern most point of Canada is Point Pelee, in Ontario, at 41 degrees 41 minutes north. This places Point Pelee south of the California/Oregon border, at 42 degrees north.
With respect to Jim the OP, being lost but not lost is strange territory to find oneself in. I've been there before, coincidently the first came on the same lake as Jim; Burnt Island L. many years ago. Trying to read and interpret a (non-topographic) "canoe routes map". Is that an ill defined bay or a crudely estimated shoreline? I've learned since to trust better topo maps, and my compass even more. I do have purchased topos but also print my own, and at different scales to better define those confusing shorelines and islands. I'm prone to daydreaming so am at times skipping the all important "know where you are at all times" rule of wayfinding. One such time was on a recognizable point on Lake Temagami. Reading my map, landscape and compass all but confirmed our location. It was obvious, but niggling doubt crept in as I wondered where that little bay on my map was? The shore showed no sign of it. It was one of those moments when you leave your reading glasses on your head and neglect to use them, for me at any rate. It took my wife in the bow to correct me. "It's not a bay, there's no opening there Brad. Just a small inland lake invisible from where we are sitting. What you see on the map isn't a narrows but another feature. The bay we're looking for is a bit further right where we agreed it would be." Putting on my specs confirmed this. But for a few minutes there was one small puzzle piece out of place making everything appear nonsensical.
A momentary tripping twilight zone.
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I am also happy to share specifics about our northern trips. Anything specific you would like to hear about?

I would love to hear everything. Trip reports would be fantastic! Even if they're brief diary notes. You've travelled a part of my own country I'm unlikely to experience.