• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲

No matter what happens.....

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I (and all of my family) voted for Trump. I'm very happy with the results of the election and I wish the President elect and our Country all the best. I know this is not the most popular point of view in the modern paddling community, probably why I mainly solo.

Depends on your particular paddling community. You would fit right in with my sons! My younger son's daughter (just 18 in Sept) voted for the first time... another vote for Trump/Pence. Dad and Uncle (Grandpa too) were proud that she felt it her duty to just vote.
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No matter who we voted for, or whose policies we are more in agreement with (hat tip to Canadian and other non US community members) , the point for me is that as members of canoetripping.net we all have a presumably common interest (likely quite a few actually). Connecting with one another as people with commonalities rather than as clashing ideological opponents is a model, imho, for how a deeply divided America is going to persevere.
I'm staying away from politics. I get enough grief here at home. All this election fever fallout is nothing compared to the current slow burn in my family over Christmas (Boxing Day) dinner arrangements. "Who's hosting it this year?" "I thought you had it last year?!" "Isn't it my turn?!" "Why are you going to mum and dad's instead of my place?!" "Why hasn't everyone responded to my invites!!?" "Who's allowed to bring their dogs?"
Oh for crying out loud!! For a close family we sure do find little things to squabble about. I tell my family "For a whole bunch of people with cell phones you sure don't talk and listen to each other much!!"
Talk and listen...and try to understand. Sounds like an answer to the issues within my family, and out there in the bigger world too. I'm way over my allotted number of responses here (sorry Robin), so I'll just say this; we don't have to all agree, but we do need to all get along. This big freaking canoe we're all paddling, zigzagging as we go along first my way and then yours, we do kinda all want the same destination, just not the same route.

Up here in the frozen wastes of communist Canada, there is some concern now over how much more acid rain is going to fall upon our lakes and rivers now that the next POTUS has promised to go back to coal as an energy source (backlash to Obama's war on coal and all that). And since there is a Canadian carbon tax being planned, how effective is that going to be and how is that going to move forward when Donald has promised to back out of the Paris Agreement? And rescinding the Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Power Acts? All very uncertain since our news services (most likely overseen and approved by the Ministry of Information and Propaganda) state that the Donald's statements have been 70% lies (by contrast Hillary kept her lies down to a mere 20% it seems).

Comments all over the place ranging from...

"Donald is doing God's work"


"That lying racist misogynist fascist"... LOL

I suspect that making America great again also means that the US race is on to catch up to China and India in polluting skies and waters but we shall see... something. Anyhoo, take your shoes off, sit down and have a beer while watching the trade war with China unfold with higher prices on gear and a higher American dollar relative to the loonie so if y'all down south still want to travel north, you're always welcome to spend them greenbacks up here... cheers.

Nat Gas is far cheaper then coal and that more then anything is fueling the decline of coal. Breath easy.
I have relatives that I disagree with on most everything. So, I have gotten pretty good at keeping my mouth shut, my opinions to myself. But this was beyond anything I could have imagined before. Fear, insults, lies, ignorance, greed, hypocrisy, all triumphant. Apologies to the rest of the world. The agony of defeat. The water too cold now, my solace gone. The darkness descends.
This thread will be locked Sunday evening. Anyone who hasn't weighed in but has something to say be advised.

Nat Gas is far cheaper then coal and that more then anything is fueling the decline of coal.

I agree that nat gas is cheap but so is coal if the entire system is taken into account from beginning to end, starting at the mines and ending at the electrical generating plant. IIRC, Trump promised to remove all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama administration... those may have resulted in greater bigger-picture costs to the eventual burning of coal and removing them may make coal use cheaper but I'm not sure by how much.

Those coal districts sure helped with voter turnout Tuesday night... in the news reports up here, coal miners love Trump and it remains to be seen whether they've been lied to or not (wrt campaign promises).
I'm sorry I started this thread. This is about the freindliest online community I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Throwing this hand grenade out there was foolish of me but that election was some crazy stuff that surely reached everybody. Trump was elected for a very good reason but he maybe the wrong guy to do it. For my American friends and everybody who is affected by America I hope and have some confidence that everything will turn out just fine.
The US is bigger and stronger then any possible damage one person can do to it, even if he is president.
Just read an article about how Donald Jr. is a pretty avid outdoorsman. Hope he can bend Daddy's ear! Now let's get back to arguing important things like number of paddle blades and the best tandom canoe for solo tripping, so much more fun.
Jr is actually not better than his dad, and the outdoors he manly do is killing things for fun.
That Bernie did so well in the Dem primary and Donald did so well in the election is really a message to the Washington establishment that The People (that is who the Govt serves, remember) are sick and tired of Politics as usual. But the old school politicos won't get the message I'm afraid. The silent majority has spoken, now we must hope for the best.

On a brighter note, I'm thinking of making another SOF kayak this winter, the kayakers version of a wood canvas canoe. My brother just sent me a couple of mortise chisels I've got to put to work.

John M.
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Just read an article about how Donald Jr. is a pretty avid outdoorsman. Hope he can bend Daddy's ear!

A quick google showed several articles... previously I thought DT's outdoors time was mainly on golf courses, and building them. Here's an interview from Field and Stream...


I'm not really familiar with how natural areas are protected and managed in the states, there does seem to be a lot of federal land currently protected esp in the western states. More familiar how things are in Ontario... about ten percent of the landscape is legally protected mostly in the form of parks and conservation areas with more parks and CRs being planned in Northern Ontario... that means no industrial or residential development, no roads to be built for industrial purposes, land management will be carried out with the intent of maintaining the landscape in it's natural state (there's one big exception in all this with Algonquin Park, where logging and logging road construction is allowed).

The planning is partially science-based with rare and outstanding land areas that need protection most being identified, and also recreation-based, where the need exists (eg, waterway parks). There are over 600 Ontario parks and conservation reserves at the moment... some of them aren't publicized, off the beaten path and checking them out for features and character can be interesting.

Speaking of science, here's a little report I heard yesterday on where science is going with the new administration, speaks of uncertainty mostly, coal is mentioned once.

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