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New gasifier twig stove test

Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
WNY south of Buffalo (closer to Turtle than he rea
For Christmas, I asked for and rec'd (courtesy of #2 son) a gasifier twig stove. Since it was a fine day and I was feeling good, I decided to give it a test and make some tea. I had some nice dry oak twigs and loaded it up and got it going. Boiled 16oz water in about 3 minutes, a little quicker than my Trangia but slower than my Pocket Rocket. Not really sure what I expected but I'll keep playing around with it. I forgot how sooty wood cooking is on a pot! Tea was good:D
Any updates on the new twig stove? Still using it? Decide to stick to the canister stove?

I'm on the fence as well, I have been playing around with my titanium emberlit fire ant stove paired with my trangia. I still like the turn key convenience of the canister stove but I am tired of storing mostly empty canisters as I don't feel comfortable carrying two or three almost empty canisters on a trip.

I am a firm believer in "twig stoves". I have owned many and have settled on an embetlit titanium one. The best burning was a "Solo Stove" which i am selling because it is too heavy. No carrying fuel or running out, and no noise from s gas stove.
I've got three different cheapie Lixada twig stoves that i haven't fooled with since last spring. I have found that they are all very profoundly affected by wind and around here, the wind only changes direction, it never lets up. I have had times where I could burn 5 pounds of twigs and never get a quart of water to boil. I actually weight the wood with the intention of seeing how much wood I would need to boil water. The answer turned out to be "All of it". I did have some pleasant experiences using them out in the woods, but I'm not ready to switch.
I tried alchol stoves,but they use a lot of fuel and are slow to boil.
Any updates on the new twig stove? Still using it? Decide to stick to the canister stove?

I'm on the fence as well, I have been playing around with my titanium emberlit fire ant stove paired with my trangia. I still like the turn key convenience of the canister stove but I am tired of storing mostly empty canisters as I don't feel comfortable carrying two or three almost empty canisters on a trip.


I've finally figured out that I don't put the pot on the stove until it starts to gasify - a lot less soot. I have been using an alcohol stove and a canister stove on trips, 1 bottle of alcohol and 1 canister last for 3-4 weekends. The pocket rocket usually is only used when I need a lot of hot water. I will probably take all three on a couple trips and then decide which one to leave home.

To date, I've only used the twig stove out back to make tea. It's not as fast as the rocket but a little faster than the Trangia. It's actually kind a fun to use.
Thanks for the feedback Grandpa, I too was wondering about it. I've watched hours of youtube tutorials on DIY stoves and wanted to know how they compare ( seen the time trials too). I love my Littlbug twig stove. It burns as hot or low a fire as I need it feed it. The gasifier looks like a constant hot burn of feeding smaller twigs, but I've never used one so I don't know. I do have an alcohol stove, but haven't played with it much. Only now putting together my own dehydrated 1-pot meals to suit whichever stove. I may never take my fuely stoves again; rely on my twiggy and the alky as a backup. My plan anywho.
One thing i have learned about twig stoves is that they require almost constant attention and feeding. You don't start boiling and walk away for a while. Also, wood quality and diameter make a big difference. Once you learn what to look for its easy. Usually you can find plenty of fuel right in a campsite that others have dropped on the ground. Axe chips work good as do some pine cones. Ideally, I find 3/8" long dry branches and feed 3-4 of them in as they burn up.
I like the Kelly kettle boils a lot of water fast but pain gathering all the wood burns it up pretty fast
I had a Kelly once-too heavy for me and it vomits out half the water if you don't watch out.
My twiggy takes practise. Like any fire of course, always have ample supply of wood already at hand. I like that the Littlbug Senior has a large capacity for fuel, and that it's easy enough to feed without removing the pot on the boil. And it's extremely light weight. And come in only four simple parts; no small pieces to misplace. Having said all that I'm tempted to try others. They all look good to me. Those gasifiers burn cleaner/hotter.
I'm getting used to cooking on my twig stove. Fire it up and build some hot embers for dinner, dessert and coffee. Feed a couple larger sticks in as you go. But I tend to get impatient and hastily place my pot on top while it's still flaming. My pots get awfully sooty that way. I also time dinner for later in the afternoon or evening so the fire becomes our campfire later on. It's amazing ( to me ) how you can so quickly ramp up a small contained fire, cook on it, and have it burn itself out within the hour; ready to move on after a hot breakfast. Not many cinders left to douse if you don't overfeed it, and get the fuel feed and cooking time just right. I'm still practising.
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I love twig stoves. My littlebug senior is excellent for cooking, but also when only using a tarp it makes a great container for a smudge, as long as I use it on a large flat rock as it is bottomless and can scorch the ground. My solo stove titan is wonderful. It uses far less fuel in my opinion, and the bottom does not get hot so I can use it anywhere. It is a gassifier so it will not make a decent smudge, but I can cook in my lean one tent/tarp which is awesome. It is heavy and does not pack as nicely as the littlebug but I still like it better
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Pics of my solo stove, love the gassifier concept.

Well dag-gum! This is the second time my ipad has screwed up a reply. I am not sure why you cannot see my pics, there are present on my screen. I do not know enough about computers - sorry. I can email them to you if you are interested, I apologize for the operator error.

I have a Bush body made in Canada, a great stove, the Solo is basically a copy of it. I really like the stove! I also like the Kelly kettle and I would like to try one of the large Litelbug I think it would be a great family stove!!