• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

New Christmas tree ornament: a Chestnut Chum + its restoration

My apologies to Glenn... I see that my attempt to create an unfurling link failed! I'm a Luddite apparently.

Since you expressed apology, Patrick, I took the liberty to edit and unfurl the link. [On edit: This link has now been deleted as unnecessary because the threads have been merged.] I could also merge this thread into the prior, but I assume you didn't want to do that for some reason.

As a Luddite regarding building and restoration of wood-canvas canoes, I am in awe and jealous of your canoe. Great job.
Glenn, et al, thank you for your kind remarks.

This can certainly be merged with the prior thread if that's appropriate. I am chuckling to myself Glenn; I had actually consulted the instructions for posting an unfurling link, but did something wrong... of course. I feel as though I have disappointed my mentor and had hoped to do better in honor of your monumental efforts to bring this forum into it's new iteration. You have done a wonderful job with the new platform and the attraction of new members!

Signed, Ned Ludd
This can certainly be merged with the prior thread if that's appropriate.

Don't mean to clutter this thread up with administrivia, but I am going to merge it with the prior thread because I think that will make the "whole story" of the canoe restoration more complete for future readers and researchers, rather than their having to search for two different threads about the same canoe in two different forums. I'll also then delete the link to the first thread, as it will be unnecessary (unfurled or not).
Well done Patrick, I like the interior color against the exterior color. And those seats really look great. Looking forward to a report on your first paddle.
In it's natural environment:
I've had her out on the local lake twice now and I am struck by how much more stable this canoe is than my others. I had anticipated this because my other w/c canoes are quite round-bottomed and are therefore quite sensitive to the paddlers' body position. This canoe allows me to 'relax' and not require my core to make the micro adjustments necessary to retain stability as the others.

I think this will be an outstanding canoe to paddle on a long trip. I also think this canoe will be very stable in rougher water and with low ends not subject to being pushed around by wind as much. She's no racehorse, and heavier than the others, but will be a fine vehicle for trips with few portages such as the Allagash. That trip had been on my radar for this August, but is now unlikely due to family pressures. That trip would have required 2 travel days and 7 on-the-water days; difficult to find that time currently.
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