• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

New 1922 17' OT Charles River!!

Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Wakefield RI
I picked it up last night! 1922, it went back to OT for restoration 6 years ago. Looks like new canvas, 12 ribs, maybe 25% of the planking, new oak keel (was ordered from the factory!). The rest looks original!

I took it out today solo and tandem. I was surprised at the way it paddled, much different than my OTCA. Not as much initial stability as I guessed it would have. I liked it much better solo, it seems much less of a tank than my OTCA. I'm a big guy (6'7" 300lbs) and I loved the way it handled solo, so much I would think about replacing the middle thwart with a solo seat ( 4 knee operations, my kneeling days are over).

I was also surprised at the weight 62 pounds, I expected much more.

I'm open to input from anyone that's paddled one!


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Ya know canoes are personal. I feel your joy. It doesn't matter what we think. I might be able to paddle one at Assembly but I'm not of your build.

Go forth and enjoy!