• Happy Weed Appreciation Day! 🌱🌿🌻

my intro

Mar 14, 2023
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Eastern Michigan U.P.
60 yo guy from the Eastern Michigan U.P. I moved here from California to retire, grow old and die. My wife is originally from Cheboygan, Michigan and I lived near Cheboygan for a short time back in the late 80's. We needed to escape California and ended up settling in a small town in the U.P. Weve been here since 2018 and I'm currently working towards retirement as an EMT.

I've been backpacking for roughly 40 years and have spent many nights in the Sierra Nevada and Coastal range of California and Oregon. Jeeper, kayaker, flyfisher/fisher, archer, backpacker, etc etc.
Welcome Microtus, pull up a stump there is plenty of room by the fire. This is the best group of people I’ve met on the Internet.
Another old fart,
If I were to retire in the lower 48 states, the UP would also be my choice.
Spent a month car camping, brook trout fishing and grouse hunting there 6-7 years ago. Kinda pilgrimage to spend time where some of my favorite authors spent some of their time (Jim Harrison, John Voelker and Earnest Hemmingway).
Welcome to one of my favorite web campsites, get a stick that suits you, join in stirring the coals of the campfire.
Welcome, Mr Micro, or is it Mr Tus??
What canoe(s) do you have?
What canoes do you lust for?
Does your darling wife accompany you on trips?
And what? A Jeep guy? Most wouldn’t understand…I have a 1977 CJ5 with extensive mods, a fun way to waste hard earned cash, sorta like collecting too many canoes!
If you ever desire to visit the Adirondacks, there are many of us here with lifetimes of experience to supply unsolicited advice.
Once again, welcome
Are rodents your hobby?
Welcome to the forum.
I hope you can learn to spend time in UP so you can live.
Welcome, Mr Micro, or is it Mr Tus??
What canoe(s) do you have?
What canoes do you lust for?
Does your darling wife accompany you on trips?
And what? A Jeep guy? Most wouldn’t understand…I have a 1977 CJ5 with extensive mods, a fun way to waste hard earned cash, sorta like collecting too many canoes!
If you ever desire to visit the Adirondacks, there are many of us here with lifetimes of experience to supply unsolicited advice.
Once again, welcome
I don't own a canoe yet, or the knowledge to choose one, hence why I'm here. I'm thinking a solo tripping canoe for smaller streams and rivers...1-2 night floats. 98 TJ, lift, 37s, pro rock 60s, atlas, coilovers etc $$$$$$
Welcome! Is that a Brittany I spy? What a beautiful pup! Enjoy the forum!
That Brittany is my 2 year old sweetheart Ellie. Total family dog with an on off switch for ruffed grouse and timberdoodles :)
How do you protect you and your dog from deer ticks and related Lyme disease? When I visit the Lake States am worried that I will contact it, once I get home the doctors here will not make a good diagnosis as we don’t have that problem up here.
I use Frontline for my dog and limit her activity outside of the fenced yard certain times of the year. I spray the outside perimeter with whatever tick death spray I can find at the local hardware store. We find a few each year that the dogs bring into the house. I've only had one tick dug in since we moved here 5 years ago.

Ticks are very seasonal here, late spring/early summer they are really bad. By the time hunting season rolls around it's rare for Ellie or me to pick up a tick while hunting. I learned that the hard way last year while walking my dog down a two track. I pulled over 40 ticks off of her in half an hour. She is light colored so they are generally easy to spot when they first climb on. While pulling a tick off of her I happen to look over at the grass next to the road and saw a tick on top of some tall grass, then another, then another, then another. There were literally hundreds, all at the top of the grass stems. Stay out of the grass.

Hiking the woods for morels we tend to find a few ticks, but not many. In large part I think it's due to areas we look do not generally have much grass. Fishing is mostly boat or kayak. Trails to remote lakes have pretty beaten down paths, stay on the paths to stay away from the ticks. Escaping the black flies, mosquitos and deer flies...not so much.
Made my first trip to the UP in 1975, with most trips to the western UP. As in the past, I usually go shortly after ice out in the spring and in the fall in late September and in October, with occasional summer family trips. In the early 1990’s I got the 3 part LIMErix vaccine. My long time primary care doctor is also an infectious disease specialist and he felt the vaccine was a good idea for me. No adverse reactions and no tick issues either since getting vaccinated. Too bad it was pulled from the market by the manufacturer. I understand a pharmaceutical company is offering a lime disease vaccination again.