Black Fly
I moved the bow seat on my Pal a bit loser to the carry thwart because the stems get pretty narrow and without a good amount of weight in the bow the stern was lower in the water than I wanted. The Pal is 16 feet long. I do not think I moved the seat more than 5 inches. It made a big difference in trim.
However, my 15 foot prospector is more full in the stems and a foot shorter. I have not moved the bow seat at all. I did remove the stern seat and turned the yoke around so the boat ( symmetrical ) now is paddled and carried opposite of its original build. My dog sits forward of me when tripping, fishing or messing around on a day outing. To perfect trim, I have a 20 liter bag attached to the bow thwart. If I need some ballast up front, I can fill the bag on the go and place it in the stem for trim assistance. On a portage, I empty the bag, connect to the bow thwart and am on my way.
I attached the bow seat right under the gunnel as to reduce the angle of my leg while kneeling ... helped for a while, but can no longer kneel anymore. Sitting in a prospector with a dog ... while fishing ... means the seat needs to be lowered. These pics show I should have used my water bag as I am a bit stern heavy, but not too bad.
In these pics, I am about 225 pounds, 6'2" and Jake is around 65 pounds. So compare these numbers to you and your dog and go from there.
Good luck with your project.

Jake is laying in the curve of the bilge in this picture. He is in the canoe, you just can not see him. I was paddling in the Quetico to give these fisherman a note ( birch bark with charcoal writing - offering my email ). They, and their buddies in another canoe were taking pictures of Jake and I. I wanted to ask if they would send me the pictures. I am glad they obliged.