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Missinaibi River

Apr 27, 2020
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Rochester NY
Good evening all,

Well, after decades of dreaming it looks like my child hood dream of completing the Missainabi is approaching.

I have googled, and searched on myccr but I can't seem to get a firm answer - in the age of covid, am I allowed to enter Canada for a lengthy canoe trip?

I know if I go in for short trip they want my hotel info and all. What do you do if in the backcountry?
Yes. A friend of mine from Germany was over this summer paddling the Kazan for 7 weeks. And a couple of American paddlers on myccr - Tom-o and Marten - have done extended Canadian trips this past summer. Perhaps you could get in touch with them regarding their experiences?

The Canadian site I think you want is this one:

The big thing seems to be the ArriveCan app.

Hope this helps.

Complete the ArriveCan stuff, you must be "fully vaccinated" which means at least two doses (boosters not required at this time).
I did complete the ArriveCan stuff and it was no problem. The outfitter suggested to use his address as my "vacation domicil". During the 28 days in the wilderness, no one was there to ask me questions...
I was selected for a random COVID screening at the border when I went up in August. It was by chance that I headed up a day early. It meant that I had to fill out a bunch of info on my phone and then set up an online meeting while someone watched me take the test. The test then had to be dropped off at a test center or I could set up a time for FedEx come pick it up If you can imagine. Possibly I could have dropped it off at a FedEx location but I was lucky to find a test center in North Bay that was open. Made for a lot of anxiety as the cell service was spotty and I had a scheduled boat ferry to meet. If I had tried to cross the border with the intention of meeting the ferry on the same day it wouldn’t have happened. The take away is that it’s unlikely you would be randomly selected but a little slop built in your schedule is worth considering. There was nothing in my testing/booster prearrangements that should have raised a red flag.
Just returned from NW Ontario. You must complete the ArriveCan form. I struggled with the online form and was told by Canadian authorities when I called to use the phone app version which was much easier to complete. Upon arrival at the border - Pigeon River - we were told to update the app before next year’s trip since there will probably be changes. The CBSA officer even mentioned use of ArriveCan maybe dropped next year.
Sorry so late to the conversation.. We used Arrive Can as required and the domicile question was a sticky point... I entered an address that we would be at in the first two weeks. It was a provincial park and I had a devil of a time finding a street address. We have been in Newfoundland for three weeks now visiting some three Provincial and one National Park . Crossing the border they did not seem to be too inquisitive of the exact timing of our trip aside from " how long will you be in Canada?"

Now lets see how returning to the US goes.. Someone forgot to renew their passport. ( Its not required to enter Canada) as it expired mid pandemic. We discovered this three days before going to Canada when we filled out Arrive Can. We could only get an appointment in time for a new passport if we went to Chicago in seven hours.

Caribou wandered into camp today.
Thank you YC for your addition.

I intend to drive from northern Michigan directly to the rail station in Sudbury, Ontario, and then have the train drop me off at the river in the middle of the nite. After completing the trip I was going to stay at the camp ground until I take the train back south, so really no address.

Is something like this feasible? Will a train ticket purchased in advance suffice?

This used to be so easy! Pre covid on Lake Memphremagog we just called in from a phone on the shore.
That sounds like an awesome trip. I love that train. The Canadian! Earlier this summer I was on that train and it stopped to pick up a canoe and a couple of paddlers. I also chatted with some other trippers getting off with their gear in Winnipeg and getting flown into the Bloodvein area for a three week trip. It's definitely on my list to use The Canadian for a canoe trip!

BTW you can get deals on sleeper class trips on the VIA website. It's not easy to find, but the the discounts are steep

The sleeper class is the way to go on that train. The meal service is fantastic! Three meals a day where you are actually seated at tables with linen table cloth and actual dinner ware and you also get a place to sleep. I personally always take either a lower and upper bunk (discounted fare).

This information may be a little late now, but I wanted to put it out there for others who may be considering a trip like this.
Hi folks,

Just wondering about the fire situation up north.

Looking to do this Spring of next year. Looking at the various maps of the current fire I am wondering about delaying this trip for another year. I'll check on myccr as well, but I don't want to spend too much time padding in a burned out landscape.

I know it's early, but I will make alternative plans. I also wanted spend a month in Woodland Caribou - any updates here?

Thank you.
I was looking at Woodland Caribou. There have been many fires over the past few years resulting in blackened camping areas and portage trails with many downed partially burned trees.

The recommendation was to skip Woodland Caribou unless you were planning on a very rough trip.