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Marshall Lake 2015

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
The trip has been well documented in my co-trippers excellent reports so I'll just add some pictures with captions. (plus being gone 2 weeks my wife has a honey do list longer than Alan's expedition build)

Day One, the lee side of the lake after a strenuous crossing, The conditions looked so good for fishing that I decided to troll a "original" 6 inch Rapala and was rewarded with 3 nice pickerel.

Arriving later at our first campsite on the windward side of the lake, work was already being performed to secure a comfortable campsite,


My tardiness was forgiven with a soon to be fish fry, and some cocktails to boot, Now how does HOOP do this?


Load out day two,



We all kept a pretty even pace, day two,



The first port out of Marshall into the Grip River. That little trappers cabin is a pretty neat place, and a week later on my solo trip I met a First Nations guy named George who told me it was his Grandfathers place, his Grandmother and Mother had built it, and then he did what is pretty common in the North, he invited me over to his cabin on Marshall for coffee when I pass by.


Fishing at the end of the first port, both Rob and Karin have fish on. This was pretty common all the way down the system, make a port, catch some fish till the fishing quiets down, then move out. A lot of fun and a pleasant way to end a port,


Campsite on Grip Lake, a beautiful spot,


Me trying out Rob's Chum, great paddling canoe, but I'm biased about these Chums so don't take my word,


Two Chums doin' what Chum's do,


Surveying the site at Summit lake after a good days paddle,

Some pickerel for dinner,


.....dinner is ready,


Breakfast at Summit, nice group, we always had something to talk about and there was always lots of laughter, sort of like Canoetripping.net on the road:rolleyes:


Load out at Summit Lake, nice scratches to that pretty hull Rob.


Paddling thru lone crap brings out the smiles!


Low water,




Brad starting the fire with a striker at the falls,


Rob enjoying some more health food, Fired Klik (spam) stacked on top of the log by his right knee, cold handle frying pan on the ground, I tried it, excellent bush food imo, I never carried can food before but will be changing that in the future.


Next morning, bacon on the right pancake on the left, coffee ummmmm good.


Pancake and omelet, table with a view.


Load out at the falls campsite,


Early morning port on the Kap River,

Another port not much of a trail here,


Two Chums at the port with the toughest take out.

Nice trail at the top of the climb,


A happy crew at the end of the trail,

Glad you got home safe and sound. It was a real pleasure being able to trip with a bunch of people we usually only talk to here. We have scattered all over once again but will have our memories to take down the road with us.

Any chance you will post the "Effin Hail"! video? :p
It is evident that it was a great trip and a lot of good times to remember in the coming years.
We ate pretty good on this trip, from fresh pickerel to Rob's low carb, gluten free breakfasts ( bacon). I think Brad and Miranda take first prize for ariety, while Rob had "classic" coered with his bacon chunks and fried Klik. He was impressed with my barrel of potatoes though and the bacon cheese hot dogs on day three were definitely a winner.

Hand down though, fresh fish was the preferred meal by all. So tasty.

Robin had a taste of Canadiana also when he made his first shopping trip to Canadian Tire. Which sells tires yes but ohhhhhhhh so much more. In fact, I dont think there is much that you can't get there. It's as iconic as Tim Horton's.

The hail thing just cracked us all up...lol.

The plans are already swirling around in my head.

Yeah. M and I at pretty well. I prepped and packed for 2 weeks (no. our barrel didn't really weigh 80 pounds, but sure felt like it). We barely got through half of it. Despite all the fancy shmancy stuff I had in the barrel ham and eggs might've been my favourite meal… until some buddy opened a dang can of ham. That Klick had me doubled over in hunger pangs. Oh gosh did that look good. What really nearly killed me though were those hotdogs Mihun nonchalantly produced sitting under the tarp on Summit L (like she had a magic hat or something). And cheese on them? I gave my head a shake. Wasn't sure if it was just my imagination. No. There really were hotdogs! I swear, if Kraft Dinner had've put in an appearance I would've been first in line standing next to Iskweo's cookstove every day. Fresh pickerel was delicious.
Another nice bunch of photos Robin. Nice story about that fella George. All the ride home I was thinking about this trip, and wishing I could've added a few days. I'm glad you did.

ps Sorry about the hail.
Looks like a great time... I get to go to the Adirondacks in 2 weeks... can't wait. Thanks for posting.
Look like a great trip. I need to try one of those lake trip one day... Maybe.
Do you see lots of people on the trips? Are they popular routs?

There were only three trips on this system this summer. Myself and the school kids went half way, another couple went through around the same time, and then our group. The entire area is a canoeing mecca, but seldom used. You do see fishermen on the larger lakes, usually through fly-in camps, but canoeists are as rare as the sasquatch.
I am glad it was a great trip. The trip reports were all great as usual. There should be a rule about too many good writers, trip reporters, and photographers on the same trip, lol. Thanks to everyone on the trip for being so generous with sharing!
There should be a rule about too many good writers, trip reporters, and photographers on the same trip, lol.

Haha, every time there was something interesting there where 4 camera's flashing away. I think that eagle was the most photographed bird in Canada, and the pelican too.
Haha, every time there was something interesting there where 4 camera's flashing away. I think that eagle was the most photographed bird in Canada, and the pelican too.

Funny you mention the eagles. I never took the camera out for the two nests I saw since everyone else was taking photo's.

Do you have anything for us from your 4 days solo on Marshall, Robin? The fishing was good yes? You paddled the entire circumference of the lake?