The trip has been well documented in my co-trippers excellent reports so I'll just add some pictures with captions. (plus being gone 2 weeks my wife has a honey do list longer than Alan's expedition build)
Day One, the lee side of the lake after a strenuous crossing, The conditions looked so good for fishing that I decided to troll a "original" 6 inch Rapala and was rewarded with 3 nice pickerel.
Arriving later at our first campsite on the windward side of the lake, work was already being performed to secure a comfortable campsite,
My tardiness was forgiven with a soon to be fish fry, and some cocktails to boot, Now how does HOOP do this?
Load out day two,
We all kept a pretty even pace, day two,
The first port out of Marshall into the Grip River. That little trappers cabin is a pretty neat place, and a week later on my solo trip I met a First Nations guy named George who told me it was his Grandfathers place, his Grandmother and Mother had built it, and then he did what is pretty common in the North, he invited me over to his cabin on Marshall for coffee when I pass by.
Fishing at the end of the first port, both Rob and Karin have fish on. This was pretty common all the way down the system, make a port, catch some fish till the fishing quiets down, then move out. A lot of fun and a pleasant way to end a port,
Campsite on Grip Lake, a beautiful spot,
Me trying out Rob's Chum, great paddling canoe, but I'm biased about these Chums so don't take my word,
Two Chums doin' what Chum's do,
Surveying the site at Summit lake after a good days paddle,
Some pickerel for dinner,
.....dinner is ready,
Breakfast at Summit, nice group, we always had something to talk about and there was always lots of laughter, sort of like on the road
Load out at Summit Lake, nice scratches to that pretty hull Rob.
Paddling thru lone crap brings out the smiles!
Low water,
Brad starting the fire with a striker at the falls,
Rob enjoying some more health food, Fired Klik (spam) stacked on top of the log by his right knee, cold handle frying pan on the ground, I tried it, excellent bush food imo, I never carried can food before but will be changing that in the future.
Next morning, bacon on the right pancake on the left, coffee ummmmm good.
Pancake and omelet, table with a view.
Load out at the falls campsite,
Early morning port on the Kap River,
Another port not much of a trail here,
Two Chums at the port with the toughest take out.
Nice trail at the top of the climb,
A happy crew at the end of the trail,
Day One, the lee side of the lake after a strenuous crossing, The conditions looked so good for fishing that I decided to troll a "original" 6 inch Rapala and was rewarded with 3 nice pickerel.
Arriving later at our first campsite on the windward side of the lake, work was already being performed to secure a comfortable campsite,
My tardiness was forgiven with a soon to be fish fry, and some cocktails to boot, Now how does HOOP do this?
Load out day two,
We all kept a pretty even pace, day two,
The first port out of Marshall into the Grip River. That little trappers cabin is a pretty neat place, and a week later on my solo trip I met a First Nations guy named George who told me it was his Grandfathers place, his Grandmother and Mother had built it, and then he did what is pretty common in the North, he invited me over to his cabin on Marshall for coffee when I pass by.
Fishing at the end of the first port, both Rob and Karin have fish on. This was pretty common all the way down the system, make a port, catch some fish till the fishing quiets down, then move out. A lot of fun and a pleasant way to end a port,
Campsite on Grip Lake, a beautiful spot,
Me trying out Rob's Chum, great paddling canoe, but I'm biased about these Chums so don't take my word,
Two Chums doin' what Chum's do,
Surveying the site at Summit lake after a good days paddle,
Some pickerel for dinner,
.....dinner is ready,
Breakfast at Summit, nice group, we always had something to talk about and there was always lots of laughter, sort of like on the road
Load out at Summit Lake, nice scratches to that pretty hull Rob.
Paddling thru lone crap brings out the smiles!
Low water,
Brad starting the fire with a striker at the falls,
Rob enjoying some more health food, Fired Klik (spam) stacked on top of the log by his right knee, cold handle frying pan on the ground, I tried it, excellent bush food imo, I never carried can food before but will be changing that in the future.
Next morning, bacon on the right pancake on the left, coffee ummmmm good.
Pancake and omelet, table with a view.
Load out at the falls campsite,
Early morning port on the Kap River,
Another port not much of a trail here,
Two Chums at the port with the toughest take out.
Nice trail at the top of the climb,
A happy crew at the end of the trail,