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Map Case

Red - Your map case looks great. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it but I still go with one of two things: a one gallon zip-loc bag or purchasing water proof/wind proof maps. Both work, at least for my needs but not nearly as nice as what you've made
Thanks Snapper, I was a ziplock guy for years and got along just fine, I think when I made this I just wanted something that would attach to the thwart easier.

Looks like a solid map case you made.

I use a commercial map case. I'm not sure what brand but it has a roll-over top with velcro closure. There are tears developing along the corners where the clips are which I taped up for the time being. The case is bungeed to my pack, so I might have put some stress on the corners when I throw it on my back.
Maybe a bit too solid, its not a case for the gram weenies. :D
maps 001.jpg

Here's the 'RiverMaps' guides I was talking about and my SealLine map case that's such a pain to close it hasn't closed for at least a 1000 miles of whitewater tripping haha

We like the RiverMaps for the rivers we have them for, they are rugged, spiral bound and accurate.

In case Sqwid reads this, the Lindemann guide is the best overall GC guide availiable. Best camp descriptions and rapid beta. Not waterproof though, but that makes it good for adding beta in the margins.

Lots of the low rated GC rapids are burly. They are only rated low-mid because the 1-10 rating system grades on a curve. Lots of boats flip in those no-namers, they sneak up on ya haha You wont have time to scout them all and you won't have a 160qt Yeti to stand on to boat scout them haha Last trip I was on we bank scouted nothing :- ) Read and run :- )

I would declair a day of morning if I lost my Lindemann :- ( lots of hiking and camp site notes.

The RiverMap guide is good for navigation and stays handy since it's all topo and thier website has a GPS download for camp and rapids waypoints.
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Nice looking map case! Classy for sure. If I'm organized I laminate my quads before a trip and keep them clipped to my float bag so when I crash and lose my boat I'm completely lost. If I'm not organized--and I'm usually not--I keep the quads folded in my drysuit so when I crash I know which direction to walk. (Life's little ironies.)

@Jag--Roger on the Lindemann. Roger on the burly nature of GC curve.
Last season while prepping for a trip I got it in my head that I needed a map case so I decided to make one...why not right?
As luck would have it I had all the materials on hand just had to design it and build it, and this is what I came up with, hardly a masterpiece but it did hold a map, so in that regard it was a success.

It's a pretty heavy piece of clear vinyl folded in half, with the fold up across the top. The leather trim has velcro sewn to the bottom and the leather sides are mostly there for a place to put the grommets, and seal up the sides. I use homemade bungee dealee bobs to attach it to the thwart. It's clear on both sides so if your map fold is agreeable you can just flip the whole thing over and keep on paddling.

What do you all use for map cases or do you forgo their use all together? Prior to this unit, I used a large ziplock, which was adequate, but sometimes I just enjoy making something I don't need but has the aesthetic I want.

I’m a little late with the kudos, but that is a great looking map case that fits most of my criteria.

I prefer something large enough that I can quarter-fold topos, with the route continuation visible on the folded backside or the next map slipped in on the reverse. The less often I have to stop, finagle open the case and change maps the happier I am.

Some grommets and perimeter cord. Yay!

And, more than any other design feature, some perimeter stiffening. Having a floppy all-vinyl-window map case makes changing maps a struggle, they don’t lay flat in the wind, arrgghhh, I might as well just use a big Zip-lock.

I am partial to the (sadly discontinued) Gaia map cases.

Does anyone use a Cooke Custom Sewing map case? I know they are available as a spray cover accessory but I’ve never seen or used one.
Does anyone use a Cooke Custom Sewing map case? I know they are available as a spray cover accessory but I’ve never seen or used one.

Yes, I use the Paddlefinder Thwart Bag shown on this page: http://www.cookecustomsewing.com/thwart.htm

I like it a lot but it's a velcro closure and makes no attempt at waterproofness, which is fine because my maps already are. The velcro is on the bottom so rain and waves aren't likely to get inside so as long as you don't dump is stays pretty dry. When viewing the map it lays over the thwart bag and sets it a nice angle for viewing (doesn't hang straight down). To access the bag flip the map out of the way. Undo two quick releases and the map case comes undone from the thwart bag. Nice design.

I’m a little late with the kudos, but that is a great looking map case that fits most of my criteria.

I prefer something large enough that I can quarter-fold topos, with the route continuation visible on the folded backside or the next map slipped in on the reverse. The less often I have to stop, finagle open the case and change maps the happier I am.

Some grommets and perimeter cord. Yay!

And, more than any other design feature, some perimeter stiffening. Having a floppy all-vinyl-window map case makes changing maps a struggle, they don’t lay flat in the wind, arrgghhh, I might as well just use a big Zip-lock.

I am partial to the (sadly discontinued) Gaia map cases.

Thanks Mike, that Gaia case does look nice, too bad its no longer available, I wonder why they gave up on it?
that Gaia case does look nice, too bad its no longer available, I wonder why they gave up on it?

I wonder why as well, it is the best map case design I have used. I saw a Gaia that a friend used and realized that the design was perfect for my needs. And then found that it had been discontinued.

And then found that my local outfitter (BMO) still had one in stock. Actually BMO still had two in stock, the 19x15 inch one shown above and another Gaia twice that size. The double size one is equally cunning, it has the same sturdy strap edging, perimeter cord and double sided vinyl, but it folds in half. I believe it will accommodate a topo folded in half, and with clear vinyl on both sides that is a lot of mappage potentially visible without having to rearrange the contents. Willie snatched that one up.

I am surprised that there are no surplus Mil-Spec map cases. There is plenty of weirdo European mil-spec stuff on-line or in surplus stores, Belgian Field Kitchens, East German packs. I think the first cross country skies I used were some Scandinavian surplus.

Why no Dutch Navy map case?