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Maine Hunting Shoe

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photo6601.jpg attach63116.jpg I know what you mean. This picture has been hung next to my back door for many years. It's called Monday Morning and shows a logger putting on his caulk boots. A friend said that he would be gloomy too if he had to thread that many eyelets.
Interesting boot story. 35 years ago I was in college and with my future wife (unknown to me) when I came across a sale on Timberland boots. This was back when Timberland boots were used by outdoorsmen and people in the trades. I got an insulated 8" boot with Vibram soles in medium brown. I used them through college then dyed them black and used them as my winter boot in the 82nd Airborne for 4 years. Those boots kept me warm as a cop walking a foot beat in DC winters around Malcolm x Park and up through Dupont Circle. They accompanied me to Russia, TIega Del Fuero, Oslo, Russia, Alaska. I had them resoled 3 times by competent boot makers, the last time by that Spanish custom bootmaker in Spokane's downtown.

They finally were giving up the ghost 5 years ago as the leather was wearing through. I thought Timberland would like to know about the many lives of this boot and the interesting places they had been, so I sent them a letter describing my "boot's history" with photos of those boots all over the world. I told them they could feel free to use any of it in their advertising. Their reply was surprising; they said they were glad I liked my boots, but their demographic had changed and they did not see using any of my photos or story in their advertising. I knew they had become trendy, hip hop friendly boots over the years, but was surprised they didn't want to be known for their toughness, Oh well.
Very cool story Dan. You sure have covered some ground.
I know what you mean about the changing demographics of clothing. One only has to walk into an outdoor store to see the clothing racks. But speaking of boots, I've really struggled to find full leather boots (not work boots, I have too many of those). They're either fashionable and pretty useless or useful and eye watering expensive. I'm naive and I want too much. Lug tread, 6" lace up leather for under $200. I might have to kill a cow and make 'em myself.
The longest lived boot I have is one I bought from Russell Moccasin Co. in Berlin WI 20+ years ago. They were god awful expensive then and are even more so today, however they are just as good today as the day I bought them. If I were needing new boots I would buy from them again in a heartbeat. Someone who is better at math than I am could maybe come up with a price per day of use. I am thinking that mine might be in the Nickel-A-Day or less per day category. That my friends is pretty inexpensive for comfortable footwear. I had the bob-soles replaced about 15 years ago because the air-bobs were in reality very slippery in the terrain that I travel, more slippery than the Vibram wedge soles I had them replaced with. I just greased them up last night with Obenauf's Heavy Duty leather preservative, they are in perfect shape except where my Gordon Setter puppy chewed the pull tab off one nine years ago. I kinda miss that pull tab, but I will really miss that dog when that day comes
This thread, it's posters, and laid back attitude is why I come to this forum. Thanks everyone.

ps . I missed replying to sweeper regarding Bill Buckner.
sweeper : "Billy B doesn't have the sting it used to in New England. We're getting used to winning around here..."
Dear sweeper,
I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan. You don't know sting.
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Like I mentioned earlier in this thread I am a big fan of the MHS and own two pair. On a recent trip back East I alternated between my 10 inch MHS and knee high rubber Xtra tuffs and I hate to say that my feet were less clammy in the rubber boots that the MHS laced up.

As far as lacing my 16" MHS the laces are only half as long as the ones that came with them, after having to use one of the laces to do a field repair on a friends bike. I only lace the bottom 5 or 6 eyelets then either wrap the extra around my ankle and then tie or lace through one set of eyelets between the ankle and the top and then through the ones at the top if I want the tops tight. Typically I don't tighten them at all and wear them like a slip on unless I'm doing some portaging or hiking.
a few years of fairly agressive canoe-tripping i blew out the back seams of my 16" hunting shoes -- probably a little slop in the sizing -- by the next spring when i thot to send them back, the turn-around for repair was 16 weeks or something crazy, so i just bought another pair -- one size smaller and they're amazing -- cleaning up the basment this winter i came across the blown-out ones and tried to exchange them -- only trouble is they've discontinued the 11W foot -- thought about tryin a 12 standard -- but ended up getting the 10" in 11W while still in stock -- was out walking the dog by the local river thinking how much more use i get out of these -- seem to be my prefered weekend boots now, with the 16" hanging up in the 'gear' bunker....
I've had my 16" boots for over 30 years and had them resoled maybe 12 or 15 years ago. The rubber on one boot has cracks that leak. It seems like it was defective or I spilled gas or something on it. I also have and like my 10" but would prefer the higher ones for tripping.

I didn't know that the came in different widths, thanks.
I also have 10 and 16. My 10 have never taken one drop of water... Wile I didn't get that lucky with the 16 they are not as water tight as the 10 but I like them lots!!
I use a pair of waxed canvas Bean boots with neoprene socks for my day use/ wading, and change into a 10" standard Maine Hunting shoe for around camp. Been wearing them for 60+ years. I remember the store when it was upstairs from the boot factory and everything was displayed in bins.
I use a pair of waxed canvas Bean boots with neoprene socks for my day use/ wading, and change into a 10" standard Maine Hunting shoe for around camp. Been wearing them for 60+ years. I remember the store when it was upstairs from the boot factory and everything was displayed in bins.
Yes the old yellow store.. God we are getting old.. I have to go to the "new" Beans tomorrow to get fuel and a free MSR meal.