• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Lows LK, NY ADK's-week after Columbus Day

Probably not. Issues arose. It doesnt help that Thursday is going to be a terrible driving day.. Its eight hours and no interstate.
Hey all. Sorry for the delay... Wedding is done, kids are on their way to TX, and we're done with the post-festivities clean-up. Wife and I are still planning on being there. Weather is going to be iffy, but so be it... I may try to go up Tuesday night to get ahead of it, but don't know yet. Should be able to get to site 20 or 21 by Wednesday evening regardless. I will have a red truck with a wooden rack in the lot, and a red canoe on the lake. Robin/YC, hate to miss you. There will be another trip.
I am 99% sure that I will be making the trip, I am hoping to be near 21-22 Friday afternoon, out on Sunday morning and stay over closer to the put in on Sunday night.
Wow, what miserable weather! We only made it as far as Site 12 on Wednesday before the sky opened up and the wind got hold of me... My wife's attitude couldn't have been better the entire trip. But it was 3pm, and I had not a hope of making 21 by dark... We tried again the next day, but my wife was a bit unsettled by the headwind and waves, so we just decided to just stay at 12 the whole time. Ended up going home Saturday after Ranger Dawn told us to expect snow showers for Sunday. Still, for my wife's first trip, it was awesome... I managed to keep her dry and warm, she was amazed at some of the stuff I did, and best of all, she saw first hand how hard even a short portage with a 75lb canoe can be (halfway through, I had to lash up the paddles and finish it as a one man carry. She couldn't believe I rigged up the paddles to portage, and that I could actually do it all myself). She later said "Ok, so I saw something on your gift wish list called a portage cart... is that somehow related to this?" I explained what it was.... she said "you are definitely getting one for Christmas! I don't want to have to help you carry this beast again." The inferred thing here is that despite almost incessant rain, she loved it, had a GREAT time, and wants to go again! Whahoo! Success!
Great Job, Seeker!

I'm glad your wife had a great time and you were able to overcome the challenges.

You have a lot to be proud of. Keep amazing her!

Hope you get better weather on your next trip.
Well that post made me feel a little better. I got up there later than expected on Friday, too late to paddle. I did see your red pickup with wooden racks.
I camped at site 7 on Horshoe lake. I heard the weather forecast and decided not to make the trip into Lows. Even if I camped on Hitchkins, I would have tried to make it up further on Saturday, in the wind and rain, but decided against it. I made my way over to Little Tupper and stayed at a close site on Saturday. It was snowing on the way out Sunday. We will have to plan another trip in the spring.
Glad your wife had a positive experience despite the weather. I stayed at 12 a couple of years ago. What a great site! Here it is in sunshine in case you had NO sun.

Sorry I missed you Seeker and bcelect, too bad about the weather. I'm headed in Friday, 10/24 for a week deer hunt. I'll be staying at site 35 but that's not a written in stone, hunting around Tomar Mt. If your around and see my canoe at the site, stop in for a cup. I'll probably be gone most days though. The weather looks good, maybe too warm for hunting, but not bad for sitting in the woods. Here's my tent from 2012 camp/hunt
Glad to hear you all made it back out OK. I was thinking of you when the weather hit. We had snow at my house down in central NY most of Sunday; although nothing actually stuck on the ground. Between the wind and the precipitation, it wasn't the best of times to be out paddling. Having just come in myself from Lake George, and getting windbound for almost 2 hours on and island, I was hoping you were all OK. It's good to know you are.

BTW...best of luck Robin on your hunting trip. MY hope for you is that the biggest buck you care to drag out comes across your gun's sights!

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.
