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Lows LK, NY ADK's-week after Columbus Day

Get me six land jaeger from Liehs and Steigerwald! They have great brats and wieners too. I lived in Syracuse for years and they were my meat market. I hate to admit how long ago. Our meat bill for a family was about ten bucks a week. I miss old man Kurt. My nephew worked there too The Grant Blvd location is much better they still give my grandsons a free hunk of ring bologna
Get me six land jaeger from Liehs and Steigerwald! They have great brats and wieners too. I lived in Syracuse for years and they were my meat market. I hate to admit how long ago. Our meat bill for a family was about ten bucks a week. I miss old man Kurt. My nephew worked there too The Grant Blvd location is much better they still give my grandsons a free hunk of ring bologna

You knew Kurt? He lived about a mile from my parents... his daughters were a couple years ahead of me in school... Love to visit the Grant Blvd location... that's where dad took me almost every Saturday morning for his weekly shopping trip... mom and dad used to live a few blocks from there when they were first married. One of the old guys who worked there for years, i forget which one, remembered me when i came in with my dad once when i was in college, about 20 or 21 years old, and offered me a free hunk for old times sake... of course i took it.

Camp sites 19, 20, 21, and 22 are all pretty close, and make for easy visiting, especially at night, when you have to paddle back 'home' in the dark at bedtime. there won't be much of a moon then either. Dibs on 21!

Re firewood, yes, most sites are totally stripped. I always just try to find a dead standing maple, which most people are too lazy (or ignorant) to find and process. They're usually 5"-8" thick and anywhere from 15-20' long... I cut them into 6' lengths for easy transport by shoulder or canoe. This solves my fire problems for the trip. I find that I burn about 3' of 6" log per day when I'm solo. I typically spend my first afternoon putting up wood for the duration, and go from there. Helps to have a good bowsaw and decent sized hatchet/axe. I also look for stuff along the shore as I'm paddling in, especially large sheets of birchbark and whole/intact spruce branches, which make excellent tinder.... one good branch is enough to start fires all week.
My kids went there when we lived in 'cuse between 1969 and 72. My inlaws were natives and lived there till their deaths in '91 and '98. My sis in laws still live there. Anyway at the Grant Blvd location where we went (there was only one back in the early seventies!) my kids kicked sawdust and climbed on the white tiles around the end of the counter and demanded their hunk of meat.. Around 1970-74.

Are you referring to Kurt Senior or Junior ? We knew both. The "younger" was always in trouble with his dad. We have been back with grandkids and the passage of time hits home.

Hey Saturdays had a route. First Land S.. then the Harrison Bakery.. Is that still there? Of course we started at the Farmers Market under I 81

I better pay attention to my campsite!
I just wanted to correct an earlier post. Black Powder season opens the following weekend, FWIW.

Who knows, if we are caught up on our harvest and winter preparations, we might just show up (as long as double bladers are allowed).
If I'm lucky and can get the time, I'm hoping to go in for 3 nights in Friday 17th and out on Monday 20th.

Keith, I'm very much a single blade type as I canoe for the scenery.
But I always take a double-blade for my spare, for winds and for crappy weather. Also cuts down on time, when heading back to the truck and a long drive home.

If I go, I'd like to find a campsite in the 20s and set up my hammock (tent if I have to) and tarp. I don't need a large camp, but love a "room with a view" that's out of the wind.

This is a great idea Robin. I'm doing my best to keep that weekend free.

Fingers crossed.
My kids went there when we lived in 'cuse between 1969 and 72. My inlaws were natives and lived there till their deaths in '91 and '98. My sis in laws still live there. Anyway at the Grant Blvd location where we went (there was only one back in the early seventies!) my kids kicked sawdust and climbed on the white tiles around the end of the counter and demanded their hunk of meat.. Around 1970-74.

Are you referring to Kurt Senior or Junior ? We knew both. The "younger" was always in trouble with his dad. We have been back with grandkids and the passage of time hits home.

Hey Saturdays had a route. First Land S.. then the Harrison Bakery.. Is that still there? Of course we started at the Farmers Market under I 81

I better pay attention to my campsite!

We knew both, but I was mostly referring to Kurt Jr, I guess... Sr's kids wouldn't be my age (50).

Harrison Bakery... wow... best bread in town... still there, as far as I know. And the Farmer's Market is still there too, but McArthur Stadium is long gone.
Who is going? I would appreciate a description of your canoe. Or dog. It usually happens that I meet the dog neighbor before the neighbor. I really don't want to seem to solicit strangers. I will bring the yellowcanoe (a Swift Heron) If you see a yellow canoe you can probably safely wave at me. Shearwater and I picked up a guy with an automatic rifle and a Coleman canoe while we searched for Robin last time a few years ago .Fortunately the weapon wielding canoeist/hunter was a very nice surgeon. In retrospect we should have known Robin would not have had a 20 X15 tent from Cabelas..
M and I hope to make the trip (we hope we hope). We paddle a moss green canoe with yellow interior.

I'm not too afraid to wave, say hello or talk to strangers. I've made some good friends that way. :)
Yeah, I met Conk after a near collision near Site 20... not really... he was just flying NE across the lake in a white canoe with a really cool little mast and sail, and I had to paddle over and find out what it was. We ended up talking for quite awhile.

I'll have either a 16' Old Town Yankee (red outside, cedar inside) and a wife (surprised the snot out of me about 2 weeks ago and asked if she could come along on her first trip ever... gonna be interesting). Or I'll have a 15' Old Town 50 Pounder, (cedar in/out, with all the nail crimps covered in spackle) and be alone (if the weather's going to be really bad, I'll either solo, or we'll end up doing something in Long Lake or Saranac Lake that involves renting a cabin.)

As mentioned earlier, I plan on staying in the 19-22 campsite area if at all possible.
Hopefully making the trip solo in a white Prism, if I pick up a partner it will be a white Outrage or green Sundowner18...Hope to see Ya'll.
I'll be going in on Weds, the 19th of Oct, should be putting in by 10 am if all goes well, staying until Sunday or Monday. If I get a late start, I'll camp somewhere along the bog River Flow and be at Lows lake Thursday am. I'll be in a blue and red kayak with yellow bladed kayak paddle.....haha, maybe not, maybe a green wood canvas canoe, small canvas wall tent with stove inside. No dog, they sleep on my bed next to my wife when I'm gone, camping is too tough for these labs. I'll be around campsites 20-26 (map here http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/lowsmap.pdf)
Just got back from a week in the Adirondacks. Peak foliage, no rain, no bugs, high 60s to low 70s daytime temps and hi 40s to low 50s nighttime temps. Did a 15 mile day trip from the lower dam to Lowes and back last Saturday. Dawn said that only 10 sites were taken on the most gorgeous weekend of the year. Best week I have had up there!
Wow Dave, we may have crossed paths. I paddled out of Lows that Saturday. I was tandem with my Sweetheart in a Red Old Town Penobscot. The weather and foliage was truly great.
I was in a Wenonah Wilderness UL solo and my buddy was in a grey solo canoe. We launched after lunch around noon and paddled up around site 13 and returned. We were camped on the Lows access road at what is labeled as Horseshoe Lake site 17. Sorry to have missed you. Absolutely gorgeous day as you can attest.
We were close but out by noon. Probably passed each other on the road.

Yes the weather was fantastic. I'm sure we'll meet someday.
Ted's tentative plan of action:
depart Ottawa before 7am Friday 17th
on the water by 10:30
set up camp mid afternoon most likely 26, 27, 28 as they are on Parker Island.
Canoe: Shearwater solo very light yellowish green. Tent: blue. Hammock: green. Tarp: gold. Scotch: Glenmorangie.
Stay until at least Monday or Tuesday.
Here's hoping that the two specialist surgeon appointments on the Thursday won't give me a hard time.
Fingers crossed.
Well, I'm going to have to bail out on getting up to Lows Lake next week, some issues have arisen here at home that prevent me from making the trip.