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Lows LK, NY ADK's-week after Columbus Day

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
So far, Seeker and myself will be around Lows shortly after Columbus Day into the following weekend, Sat., October 18th/ out Sunday the 19th. We are staying at separate sites (me, maybe #39, Seeker #21, but it would be nice to meet others from Canoetripping if you would like to stop by or welcome a visit from us or others.


Depending on the weather, it could be balmy or cold.
Our Canadian friends from Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto areas are probably closer than most folks from the states.
Lots of room, free camping, a good way to end the season.
How much beer will be there and what kind?

Doubt my wife would go and my little solo boat can't carry much. I'm 99.9% sure we'll be in the park somewhere on Columbus day weekend but depending on what we do I might be motivated enough to go out 'solo' the following weekend.
Mike, there is a slight chance I will be available. If so, maybe we can carpool and share a canoe.

OK thanks - let me know.

A ride would be nice even if you want to paddle solo. My truck would be in commission by then and it's a gas hog.
Thanks for posting this Robin.

It will be colder than my usual July/August pilgrimage, but last time I did this (2010?) the fall colors and weather in early Oct were really nice... I don't get much of that down here in LA, so it's a nice change. But I'll also be missing a bit of my local deer season.

There won't be any beer in my canoe or at my site, but I may have a flask.

I like to camp at sites 19-22, with 21 being my favorite. 19 is out of the wind if it gets chilly. My canoe will be either a Red 16' OT Yankee or a de-canvassed 'natural' cedar 15' OT "Fifty-pounder" w/something synthetic glassed over the hull, depending on what i decide to take. If my cousin can get the time off and come with me, we'll take the red one. If I'm solo, I really like the 15' (it's 24lbs lighter) with a double blade.

Not sure what I'll be driving, as it will be borrowed. Usually it's my brother's red chevy silverado with a home-made wooden canoe rack.

The moon will be waning then, w/ the last quarter being on the 15th, rising around midnight. should be pretty, without being Full and up all night...

I won't be hunting in NY... I'm fine with it if others are, but I have too far to go home, and traveling with meat and firearms is a bit problematic.
I'll be bringing my wall tent with a wood stove, and no doubt a green Chestnut canoe. I'll pass on the deer hunting this year, I don't do black powder and the price of a non resident license in NY makes it not worth the expense. I don't think it will be an issue otherwise, it's a big woods with not a big deer population, I would expect very few hunters but I could be wrong. I spent the first week of rifle season there once and saw no other hunters except for a parked canoe near Bog Lake.

"How much beer will be there and what kind?"

Just to clarify, I also won't be bringing any beer either, maybe some hooch to take the edge off around the campfire, by no means a beer drinking weekend without the wives.
Two guys from this site spending some time at Lows at separate campsites, canoes, bushcraft, etc., your welcome to stop by and visit my site anytime, but expect to camp solo.
I don't drink much - but I am picky about what I drink... I was hoping to be enticed out with some crafty brews.

I can certainly carry my own for an overnight.

I'm not at all concerned about the hunting. I doubt I'd wander off in the woods too far and I wear a red hat during hunting season.

I'm hoping the hunters can tell the difference between big game and guy in a white boat :p
Sorry I won't be able to make this loose knit gathering. I'll actually be over on Lake George during the same timeframe with a French & Indian war event. It's a
non-public event where we try to find scout, find and engage the "enemy" as was done all along that waterway during the mid 18th century. Other than our canoes, the gear/clothing is period correct and we try to stay in the time period as much as possible. Lots of fun if you're a history geek like I am.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...Be well.


Maybe you'll finally get a chance to paddle a wood/canvas canoe at your event.... hope so. you're in for a treat, especially as a history buff.... i don't like the weight, but there's just something about them.
Seeker - Thanks for your kind thoughts but my faux bark canoe is an old Mad River Explorer that we repaired and painted to look "appropriate" from a distance. Almost everyone else is paddling a mix of Grummans and Michi-Crafts. Not a w/c canoe in the bunch. Oh well, someday I'll get the opportunity...

That's all for now. Take care and until our paths should cross...Be well.

I am very interested in meeting up for that trip. Hopefully on Thursday or Friday. How long is it from Put-in to those sites and how many put-ins are there?
There is only one. It can be a long day. Its best to start early. I'd like to come but my wood canvas canoes are too tiny for wood stove and canvas tent and sfuff though I will try You'd think a Snowtrekker and wood stove would fit .I would like to bring the beast of a cot. A tactic, Bcelect, is to make the journey a two day event and go partway up the lake on day 1. As Lows is an all day drive for me I suspect that is what I will be doing.

The map is ..http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/lowsmap.pdf

Low's Lower dam is the closest. Only the Rangers can use Lows upper. I can maybe bring brew for the picky bird. The portage from Hitchins to Lows IS cartable and I advise it if the cart will fit in the canoe Mine won't.

Maybe I need seats in the Duet so I can join the crowd paddling backward from the bow seat.. Though there is a thwart right there.
Columbus Day coincides with our Thanksgiving weekend here. M has just booked the following week with this gathering in mind. If we don't eat too much turkey and stuffing (and potatoes and cranberries and gravy and ...) we'll try to find our way there to the ADK's. We may even try to smuggle some beer across the border, though cool autumn evenings call for hot chocolate. Hopefully the fall colours will be ablaze and warm weather will hang around for us all.
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Average temps for Long Lake (nearest town) for that time of year are 55 and 34, and the leaves may be past peak, but should still be nice. October tends to be drier than most other months, and with luck, we'll have clear skies (though that means cold nights) and an Indian Summer. If so, the views from Grass Pond Mtn and Low's/Hitchins Overlook should be spectacular.

RE the put-in, has anyone ever gone in at Horseshoe and paddled along the old railroad tracks? Is that possible?
We're planning on putting in from Lila maybe Tuesday, and making our way over to Low's on the Wednesday or Thursday. Too much to see, too little time. Two pretty lakes in one short visit? Hope it works out. It would be nice if the fall foliage is cooperative, but I suspect anytime in the ADK's is just about perfect. (Knock on wood.) This is a long time coming for me and my wife. Still have our fingers crossed. I'll take clear skies and cold nights over...no, I won't say it.
Just got back from Lows. I recommend going, it's really a cool place (first time I had been out there). Lila is nice too, but Lows is pretty spectacular (cliffs, bluffs, islands, etc.). I didn't find it too difficult. We stayed at Hitchens the first night to aid in climbing the ridge. Easy climb - as easy as Frederica but better views IMO.

We paddled straight from site 20 to the car on the way out (well we carried around the upper dam) and it took 3 hrs. That included one stop at the picnic area along the river to eat a snack and some dawdling at Hitchens to watch a bald eagle eat a fish. I think total paddle time was about 2.5 hrs. Probably another hour to get to grass pond.


Oh and we also had the full moon, which was awesome:


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Columbus Day/Thanksgiving might be a tad past peak. Or the colors may linger. Aargh they are already starting in northern N H. I hope I get to meet nice Canadians with moose meat. Nice Canadians are good. I'm spoiled we met a Canadian couple on Flagstaff Lake in Maine with too much moose stew one Thanksgiving