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Lows Lake deer camp 2017

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
I went back into Lows Lake this year for my annual opening week on NY's northern zone deer season solo deer camp. The temps where 20 degrees above average, highs in the 70's a few days. Not very good for hunting or meat preservation in the event I actually harvested a deer. On top of that I had a head wind during the 12 mile paddle in which really knocked me for a loop. That and hauling all my gear uphill around the upper dam into Lows Lake sapped my strength for a day or two. Then I had a 24 hour high wind event that kept me in camp, I actually had to move my tent back into some shelter as the winds where gusting over 50 mph per the weather radio.
So for 6 days I managed to get out some to hunt but nothing like in years past. These days I'm happy to just be able to plan a hunt and get back into the edge of the 5 Ponds Wilderness and enjoy camp life with my wall tent and wood stove I guess.
I told my wife when I got home that this was my last year. She told me I have said that the last two years and that next year she knows I'll go again.

A lot of gear but I have whittled it down as best I can and I use everything.


There's a canoe in there somewhere


I eat well.


relaxing waiting for the coffee to brew.



all set up. over 60 nights in that tent, not one burn hole. Thanks to my Canadian friends who taught me the correct way to place a stove pipe!


My new hat selfie. I was listening to a moose grunting off in the distance. Beautiful!


moose scrape, the top of this scrape was 6' high



I used to hunt that hill, (Tomar Mt), now I just take pictures of it


drying out my canoe.

Maybe I'm just a sunny side of the street kinda guy, but all those bad weather conditions of too warm to hunt and too windy to paddle leads me to consider any upsides, and the photos confirm it. Pretty good livin' being camp-bound there. Look forward to the best, prepare for the worst, and plan to enjoy it regardless. I like how you get it all done.
Don't tell your Mrs. but she may be right. Keep things loosely prepped next year just in case she is.
A lovely camp you had there, Robin! I especially enjoyed the big lake view...love that country up there. Too bad about the temps...I can't remember a fall in CT where I live where I had the windows open and the heat off for so many weeks in October. My big wall tent has the stove jack on the R side wall and I can tell you the manufacturer fought me on that...but pretty hard to get burn holes! As far as your future camping, I would wait and see; where there is a will, you will find the way...!
Looks like a great time Robin. The hunt draws you out there but it is obvious a nice fall camp like that makes all the toil worthwhile.
Robin, you are a real inspiration of canoe tripper!! I really like the way you do things, your kit and your canoe!! My kit is quite similar, and my canoe load look quite the same lol... Sometime we wonder how we could fit a moose in them canoes... But we do most of the time!! Winter is ell set up here even if today it is above freezing, mountains are covered with snow and some people have started xc skiing already!! I was hopping for a last canoe outing this fall, but with shop and my trip to BC, It won't happen!! Thank ou for sharing that trip with us!!
Wow, did you put all those sausages into you at one sitting? Now that's my kind of camping!

I saved 2 to eat while I hunted the top of Tomar Mt the next day, you know, the Mt I used to hunt but now only take pictures of. Well, the next day I set my chair out with a good view of the Mt and ate the sausages, almost the same.
I saved 2 to eat while I hunted the top of Tomar Mt the next day, you know, the Mt I used to hunt but now only take pictures of. Well, the next day I set my chair out with a good view of the Mt and ate the sausages, almost the same.
Don't give up, as I get older I have had trips like that and have said -never again. In hindsight I always change my mind. Sometimes though, I realize I'm not 30 anymore, and lower my sights on my trips. I go on shorter ones and simplify/lighten my gear or take more time to travel more slowly. JUST DON'T STOP.
You're an inspiration for all of us that are a bit younger than you...
I too, question how much longer I can engage in the more strenuous activities that I love.
If I can still be wilderness tripping (and backcountry skiing) in another 10 years I guess I'll be satisfied.

Great photos and descriptions!
Great report and love the pictures!
Sounds like you had some serious wind. Don’t let it stop you....
Keep trippin’!
Another thing I have finally reluctantly started to do is to change my plans/destination/schedule when things get too hard. It took me years to finally let go and do this and sometimes I still slip back into the old habit. I always wanted to do an ADK paddle hunt and go primitive--never have.
I was having something of the same problem Robin. Too many trips up the path due to too much gear. Its cold out you know, I have to take stuff. Of course my loads are like 30lbs each so its not THAT much stuff. You can shave 10 lbs off by leaving the rifle home eh. Just an idea. I have gotten to the point of not taking spare fuel for the saw or stove...when she runs out its time to come home.

You could allways do the fall grouse hunt instead. I hear the bull grouse are a tough hunt. Very manly stuff. I just bat my eyelashes at them and they jump right in the frying pan though so your mileage may vary as they say.

Do more of the paired up solos with people like Gerald, and group trips. Many hands make for light work. My personal quest for a youngish sherpa to accompany me is not going as I had hoped. I think Mem may be onto something with this whole flat stern/motor combination. Alas my y stern is being used as a dust cover for one of my tractors currently. And dont even think about portaging that beast.

Dont give up yet man, I will let you know when its time.

Another beautiful camp. Your tripping skills and style have definitely impacted and motivated me to do the same. Glad you got to enjoy some camp even with the difficulties. I'll have to try that stove pipe angle.
Thanks for all the kind words. I really love this trip and I look forward to it every year but I guess I need to figure out a plan B. Getting up early with a 5 hr drive, then the portage and 12 mile paddle in in a headwind was too much for me.
I want to go back next year but I'm thinking Riverstrider has it right. He gets a room in Long Lake and starts fresh in the am, I should do that too.
Ha, Only a week back and I'm planning next years trip. Maybe an ice out trip too.
Thanks for all the kind words. I really love this trip and I look forward to it every year but I guess I need to figure out a plan B. Getting up early with a 5 hr drive, then the portage and 12 mile paddle in in a headwind was too much for me.
I want to go back next year but I'm thinking Riverstrider has it right. He gets a room in Long Lake and starts fresh in the am, I should do that too.
Ha, Only a week back and I'm planning next years trip. Maybe an ice out trip too.

That's the spirit... My mom just got knee replacement last spring, she's 77 and she xc ski everyday in the winter and bike everyday in the summer sometime putting over 100km(60miles) on her bike in a day... But it has ben a few years(she was 75 I think) since she was able to do the same at the same intensity, now she's got a plan B, she still go out every day, but she's happy with 20-30 miles because her other knee really hurt and need to be replace!!

All that to say, maybe you need to find yourself an easier route, or like you wrote, get a room and stat fresh in the morning!! But don't stop going out!!