• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️


Thanks again, Mike. I also saw that thread regarding Reputation in the FAQ. I did go to my account settings, but there was no checkbox for reputation level. As Odyssey says, this glitch is rather trivial. I was just trying to learn about the site. I do not really care if the statistics summary says that I have 0 likes. I know better. Thanks, also, Odyssey, for saying that you really liked my posts!
You've been here <2 months and less then a 100 posts and want the impossibly elusive twelve bars?

We're going to need bigger avatar boxes.;)
I use the like button when I violently agree with what the poster said but don't really have anything to add. However, now that I know it contributes to some kind of fuel gauge beauty contest I'm not so sure I should.
I click Like, because I'm too Lazy to type a proper response. I've been clicking the like button a lot lately.
The Bars ? I really don't pay them any mind !
I might add that when PaddlingPitt comes up. I know I'm in for a great Trip Report !
Thanks !

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Thanks for your kind comment, Double Bar Jim Dodd. I still have five more northern Canada trips/stories I can post. Nahanni River. Thelon River. Seal River. Anderson River. Snowdrift River. But if I post everything now, I will have nothing left for future years. Do not know if Kathleen and I have many more trips left in our tank. Do you have any particular hankering for those rivers mentioned above?
Your travels Pitt remind me of a book Freshwater Saga by Eric Morse which I really enjoyed . I'm not really drawn to go there myself but am fascinated by canoe trips in the land of the little sticks and beyond. By all means take your time and post these chapters of your own saga over time, don't feel any need to rush and post.
They are indeed worth waiting for.
The bar thing is funny. I am not entirely convinced they distinguish between good and bad reputation. That might explain a lot. Ha.
As you suggest, Odyssey. the Land of the Little Sticks/Barren Grounds/Tundra does not appeal to everyone. Kathleen and I really enjoy that landscape, but I have talked to people who did not enjoy it at all. Here we are on the Thelon River. Some would call it bleak. To be fair, though, I have selected about the bleakest image I could find!

I'm trying to be careful about any criticism of places. I don't mean to bash the barrens, just that I am a southern Canuck used to and loving the soft landscape going on down here. But all the rocks and trees, trees and rocks excite me when I'm a little further north. I've become a sceptic of my own scepticism...having dismissed other places until having gone there and experienced them for myself, and then POOF goes my doubt. Happened in BC, Alberta and Manitoba. South of the border too. I expect I'd have my mind blown by a trip way up north to see the bleak for myself. It's actually a dream trip (with some mighty reservations) for my wife and I to start in the Yukon and head "out" from there, in no particular direction just as long as we see and discover it for ourselves. Seeing places "virtually" is the next best thing. But like I say sometimes my scepticism gets in the way. Take your photo above for example. My initial thought is "meh" but then immediately I ponder "what's growing close to the ground? Is there anything in bloom right now? And what's over that rise up ahead, and down below near those waters? Can I see any weather changes on the horizons?" And of course following in the footsteps of earlier explorers and cultures conjures up an entirely different experience as well. That is electric and appealing.
Thanks for your kind comment, Double Bar Jim Dodd. I still have five more northern Canada trips/stories I can post. Nahanni River. Thelon River. Seal River. Anderson River. Snowdrift River. But if I post everything now, I will have nothing left for future years. Do not know if Kathleen and I have many more trips left in our tank. Do you have any particular hankering for those rivers mentioned above?

I Hanker for anything, involved with canoeing, but the Wilder the better ! ( Alan Gage got me started,!) Not That I'm young enough to go on such trips, But I sure enjoy seeing others, and reading about their experiences !

Yes, spacing things out is good ! I'm a friend and fan of Nibimocs on facebook, and look forward to his videos, especially if he spreads them out ! Nothing much better during a cold Winter Snow Storm, than watching a Summer canoe tripping video !!!

Thanks again !

As you suggest, Odyssey. the Land of the Little Sticks/Barren Grounds/Tundra does not appeal to everyone. Kathleen and I really enjoy that landscape, but I have talked to people who did not enjoy it at all. Here we are on the Thelon River. Some would call it bleak. To be fair, though, I have selected about the bleakest image I could find!

Bleak yes but some nice looking beaches on each side. At least it's not all that sky blocking rock that Canotrouge shoots :)
dang, that's a lot of posts about likes! I'm gonna start liking every single post by everyone. You know, like the new participation awards for kids' sports. So even if your posts suck, I'm gonna like them, otherwise your self esteem might suffer, and you'll become a meth head.
Have a LIKE mem, there ya go! I can relate to all those rewards. Our kids have a few plastic shiny trophies for their team having placed 7th among 6 others. A long time ago and far away when I was a lad there was such a thing as failure. No wait, that's not where I was going. I meant to say there was such a thing as Field Day. Our little public school shut down for a day of athletics and games, different coloured ribbons handed out to 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th place competitors. I vaguely remember having one or two. Let's see if I can remember the colours: 1st-red, 2nd- blue, 3rd-yellow, 4th-white. If we really wanted to keep Doug up at night we could demand coloured bars? He'd have a field day.
On a more cynical note, we could run a black market selling red bars under the table, or a protection racket for likes. Or as mem says we can just lower the bar (so to speak) and let everybody win-win.
Thanks for all your likes in the last hour or so mem. They pulled me out of a very deep funk. Until then, I had not received a like for nearly two hours. I was just about to find my car keys, head into town, and look for the meth dealer.

When I started this topic a few days ago, I had no idea it would be so controversial, and entertaining.
Kathleen and I loved the Thelon River. It remains our favorite trip, perhaps because of the adventure of being all alone for 37 days. And yes, Odyssey, you can see weather changes approaching from a long way away. You can also see if grizzly bears are trying to sneak up on you. The floral elegance of the tundra is right at your feet. The landscape still seems mostly very pristine. I think I will post our Thelon trip next, sometime in December, during a snow storm. Maybe you will become intrigued enough to visit The Land Of Little Sticks.