I’ve paddled Lake Superior 4 times now. The last trip being a north shore solo kayak trip from Sleeping Giant P.P. to Wawa, Ontario. I had planned for 30 days, but ended up doing it in 22, as the bugs were so bad that it just made sense to press on rather than hang out on a beach getting eaten alive. The days are very long around the summer solstice up on Superior. I began on June 24, 2015.....2 weeks after the last chunks of ice melted on the lake. LOTS of fog. I mean LOTS!
I love Lake Superior. I think I’ve convinced my wife to join me this year on a return trip. She’s a bit apprehensive given the lake’s reputation. However, the key to a successful Superior trip is lots of time, and even more respect and awareness. More than once I’ve been in a critical situation on Superior, and I think I’ve become very attuned to what I would consider to be “ my limit”. I always carry a weather radio, and I have learned to scrutinize the topography ahead when making a call. If there’s nowhere to land for the next 6km and the conditions are deterioration fast, don’t push it.
Be be prepared to paddle long distances in dense fog. Learn to use a compass properly if you don’t know already, and consider bringing a GPS along. I was able to successfully navigate some very long crossings in pea soup fog with careful compass work, attention and observation, using GPS as a back-up.
Superior is majestic Canadian Shield country on the grandest scale. The geology is amazing. The history and spirit deeply affecting. One feels very small and vulnerable on The Big Lake, and that, I know, is good for the soul.
Have a great trip.