A kindred spirit you and I snapper. I play around with a banjo, I’ve built a ukulele and a mountain dulcimer and made a couple limberjacks.
Too funny, Glenn. I've had two incidents in remote locations where I rendered first aid to an injured person, only to learn afterward that the medical assessment and subsequent first aid I rendered were observed by medical doctors, who did not intervene for legal reasons.As most of you know, I am a prostitu . . . er, lawyer, who used to teach as well as ply my trade.
Back in the 80's and 90's, an ER doctor named Phyllis used to paddle with my whitewater club occasionally. On one trip on a little-paddled section of the Hudson River, one of the canoeists cut his leg and was bleeding. Dr. Phyllis's immediate professional response was: "EWW!".
As the trip leader, I tried to reassure the group that if Dr. Phyllis killed anyone via malpractice on the trip, I would sue her on behalf of the deceased's estate at a discounted rate of $200 per hour. This seemed to calm all fears and to raise confidence, so we were able to continue our trip with happy endorphins.
Coincidentally but absolutely true, Dr. Phyllis used to proudly state that her last name in some language meant prostitute.
IMO, anyone with the name Black Fly needs no help, at least none that I can offer him unless he wants to learn how to let black flies bite him gracefullyA fux@&$g doctor, a lawyer and a biting insect PhD walked into a bar…. Sorry wrong joke.
Simuliumvenustum ……..
Do you think you can help Black Fly, the guy that posts here?
As most of you know, I am a prostitu . . . er, lawyer, who used to teach as well as ply my trade.
Back in the 80's and 90's, an ER doctor named Phyllis used to paddle with my whitewater club occasionally. On one trip on a little-paddled section of the Hudson River, one of the canoeists cut his leg and was bleeding. Dr. Phyllis's immediate professional response was: "EWW!".
As the trip leader, I tried to reassure the group that if Dr. Phyllis killed anyone via malpractice on the trip, I would sue her on behalf of the deceased's estate at a discounted rate of $200 per hour. This seemed to calm all fears and to raise confidence, so we were able to continue our trip with happy endorphins.
Coincidentally but absolutely true, Dr. Phyllis used to proudly state that her last name in some language meant prostitute.
It may be a bit early, but this thread seems appropriate for the annual posting of the Black Fly/Simulium Venustum song
30 years ago I helped a MS student study low productivity in red-tailed hawks. The culprit was blood parasites transmitted by black flies. https://www.researchgate.net/public...nduced_Mortality_of_Nestling_Red-Tailed_HawksI am a non-medical doctor with an MS & PhD in medical and aquatic entomology. As one may surmise from my avatar and screen name, I am a black fly kind of guy, although I have also dabbled in mosquitoes and other aquatic insects. Despite a nearly 50-year obsession with black flies, I remain fascinated by these incredible creatures. I have worked on pretty much every aspect of their biology, including larval population control, larval and adult behavior and ecology, blood-feeding behavior, genetics, and vector ecology. I also spent 30+ years working as an aquatic biologist, mostly on trout (which are also way cool), for a state wildlife agency.