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How to handle the physical and psychological issues of aging?

has allowed my back trouble to return. The telltale nerve pain and weakness in my left leg has prompted a call to the doc, and I am anxious to hear what he says when I go in two days hence.

I had lumbar back fusion about 5 years ago and would be happy to talk about it anytime. I'm very glad I had it done.

"I believe that "can't" is mostly a state of mind, less of a physical limitation." yknpdlr

Paraphrasing Henry Ford - "whether you believe you can or believe you can't, either way, you're probably right".

So true.
Ford's quote was my first thought in response to yknpdlr as well.

But I need to smile more and stop standing like an old man!
Just glad you made it to the hospital in time and are feeling better. (Oh, OK, smiling more would be nice too)

Thanks, @stevet , for bringing this thread back up. It was a pleasure reading it all again.
Agree 100%.

Although I usually deal with aging by living in steadfast denial, I'm awaiting final pathology on a tumor they removed 2 weeks ago and, like KO stated, we all know we don't get out of this alive.

I'm only 60 so I'll stick with steadfast denial for now and may have more to say on this subject in 25 or 30 years. We'll see.
There are already several pages of posts, so probably not much new I can add.
Paddling is one of the only things I can still do at a reasonably high level. My paddling strength is probably at over 80% of what it was when I was 30, but I'm having to train harder to get there.
One aspect of paddling I can't do is portaging. My hips and knees just can't take it. I may have done my last Boundary Waters trip, but I'm looking over the maps, trying to find routes with little to no portaging.
I used to have friends that I paddled with. They have either passed away or we are no longer on good terms. I don't know if I've become harder to get along with or what. If not for clubs, I wouldn't have anyone to go on trips with.
I may have done my last Boundary Waters trip, but I'm looking over the maps, trying to find routes with little to no portaging.

The Big Fork river in north central Minnesota is a really nice river. If I remember right there are only 2 or 3 portages for the entire length. Only one is more than a pull over. That one is maybe 3/8 mile on long but it's in a very small town so you're portaging on roads rather than rough trail.

7 days would probably be a leisurely trip to do the entire length. As of a few years ago the guy that owns the hardware store in Big Falls would run shuttle. I've used him a couple times.

It's a MN state water trail so there is a full map and good info online.
