Interesting thread. I realize that some of you travel in very different parts of the world and the requirements are very different. I would never carry more than a litre of water over portage. You're going from water to water so why bring it with you, unless of course you can't treat the water you're paddling in.
Then there is no portage trips where if you can carry it from your truck to the canoe it'll go.
Memequay, that is a haul of booze! I am pretty sure if you were stopped they would assume you were bootlegging because nobody could believe that was all personal.
l'oiseau, I think we are kindred spirits when it comes to portaging.
I have never weighed my gear in a long time, but I always guess the weights based on the weight of my canoe. Which is listed at 55 pounds or thereabouts. Now add the two painter lines, fishing rod holder, emergency law kit and assume the canoe comes in around 60 pounds. Then I have the kitchen and food bag which I always feel starts out around 40-60 pounds depending of the trip. After that is main bag which almost always comes in around 50 pounds. I myself come in around 230 in the morning when I'm nekkid so add clothing, camera in my pocket a knife around my neck, PFD, multi-tool and a few rocks I load my pockets with I am guessing I am closer to the 250 mark. So solo I put roughly 350 into the canoe and if my little son comes with me we are now up over 600 pounds. Yes he is bigger than me.
Even at an overnighter the only thing that is reduced in my gear is the food which is not much weight I am make three carries over the portages. As a trip goes on I can begin to carry more obviously, so portage of 100m or less I will double up. Either the canoe and a pack or the Oostrom Pack with another one on top. I know it is over 100 pounds and tell myself voyageurs used to carry 180 or even 270 pounds over a portage at a time.
As time goes on and I improve on my gear I the weight comes down but I seem to just bring more. I carry an axe and a saw and a survival rifle, I also carry a little box I call the repair kit. It has batteries, tubes of seam sealer, sewing kit, tent repair kit, snare wire, and a few other things that are small and ultimately heavy and I never use but feel if I am without them and need them it would be bad.
But, my canoe even at 700 pounds of gear and people paddles better than when empty. It's a prospector and I am sure was designed to be loaded when paddled. Empty I find it to be a difficult boat to handle at times. I am victim to the lightest of winds when it's empty.
Maybe one day I can get it down to a single 60 pound pack but that still won't mean a single carry