• Happy Lips Appreciation Day! 👄💋💄

How much do you portage?

solo trips i generally look at around 3k of portages a day as a working ceiling, depends on the portages and the trip -- , one trip last summer i had a 5.5k day, on an 'unofficial' algonquin route -- that's part logging roads and part bush-whack...multiply these numbers by three, i double-carry most of the time when i'm alone...my gear is on the heavy-side -- i enjoy the portages, i enjoy the walk back, tho it's nice to burn thru them once and a while tandem...but hey, it's time spent in the woods...
My last carry was a touch over 1.5 miles, and with a .3 mile bushwhack as well. The short bushwhack was much more difficult than the 1.5 miles on a trail. In the ADK's, we are not allowed to cut any trees or vegetation, this limits trail less travel to around 1/4 mph. Much like Keith, I go to to ADK waters less traveled, which commit me to up to 5 mile carries...
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My recent BWCA trip had portages on day 1,3 & 5. Day 1 was 8 portages totaling 1.5 miles, day 3 had 3 portages totaling .75 miles and day 5 had 2 totaling 1.7 miles. Most were done in one trip, slow and steady.
On a trip from Rangley Lake in Me to Errol Dam in NH 2 years ago we tackled the 3.5 mile portage between the lower Richardson and Umbagog - well maybe it tackled us ;). It was our first multi-day canoe trip and we were green and we paid for it. Learned a lot though. The first 1.5-2 miles of it weren't bad along a wheel able road and then it took a sharp left turn onto a rocky muddy and "fun" trail. It was July and the black flies which we had up until then avoided pounced on the uninnitiated and well welcomed us in. My wife and I can single carry our portages on trips up to 7d/6n, the longest we have done. I've carried 2 mi continuous w/o stopping w/ the canoe (42 lbs) and small pack approx 25 lbs (camera gear), while my wife carries the balance.