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Hex 12 Tarp kit

Oct 14, 2015
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So I just spent a few bucks on ordering a 1.1oz Silnylon Hex 12 Tarp kit and material to make the adventure pup sleeping bag from Rip Stop by the Roll. I know BV orders from them so they must be ok. I have a MEC guide Tarp and had been wandering around the local stores looking for a nice backpacking tarp that is lighter than the 4lb guide one. Saw a Siltarp 3 - but was not spending the $200 on the retail ask.

Sprung a few extra for the tarp pattern to save time. Hope to take on the WCT with me next month (wow time flies when you live in the basement in the spring!).

I will update as I go along with my experiences, but if you have experience to share or advice to pass along let me know!
Just had a box of fabric from Kyle. I have an urge to make a bright yellow and red tarp to match my hammock quilts!

There has been some discussion about tarp reinforcement over on backpackinglight.com. It looks like the best option is to glue patches down rather than sew them and they are also suggesting to not use a reinforcement at the ridge line and to let the centre seam take the load.
My box arrived yesterday and all is in good shape. Thanks Mnoutdoorfunguy for the link. Slippery stuff! Watched Fronkey last night as a refresher!

Guess I know what I am doing this weekend. :)
A bit of feedback on the kit:
Lots of material in case you mess up, Grossgrain is 3/4" wide and linelocs (thanks BV) are 1/2".
Template for $10 made the cat cuts super easy, worth the $10 or $13 cdn when you factor the time involved in making a template. You can reuse it too if you don't cut it.

Measuring the cut - not sure what happened but when I measured the tarp to make the 45 degree cut I ended up out on one side 10" so the angles did not align and I ended up cutting off 10" to line them up. I just lined the edges up to the template and made the cut.

Used a size 14 needle with Mara 70 - tried different sized needles but best results with this size. The Backpacking light forum referenced by BV had some discussion on needle sizes and it was noted 14 or 16. The stitches are not as nice as with a thicker material but I am pleased overall. Lots of pins and actually had one fling up and hit me just under the eye when working on it - good thing I wear glasses - but bad when my progressive strength is off an I look over them when doing close work!

Prior to adding the tie outs my weight is 10.7oz or 304 g for about 9' x 11' hex.

Pics to follow next day or after I add the tie-outs to the corners.

Happy with it so far! Thinking of a hammock next. :)
Hey BV: Sophie has now escaped three times - two different kennels/crates. Total damage (not in same instances): one bashed nose, numerous scratches, one couch, two pairs of shoes & one hair dryer.

That is why she was nicknamed the Kraken by daughter #2.
Here are a few pictures.
Main tarp (on a 4x8 table for size reference)

The ridge line detail

Side profile showing the cat cut

The four tieouts attached by 1/2" polyester ribbon and line locs.

Seam sealing next - but it won't be done for May long. Just couldn't get it done in time. I can't wait to see it all pitched and guyed out.

It took about a week of evenings to make this.
That's a nice looking tarp. Hope you have some fancy guy lines to match!

I may have to borrow that template, it sounds like it would reduce a whole lot of frustration.

The joy of dog ownership! It's going to be fun when you get her in a canoe!
Thanks guys!

Just some orange colored ones - will have to get some coordinating reflective ones.

No problem, Anytime you need it BV.
Hi Red, no I did not look too hard at other hammock type vendors. But I am starting to look at some of the us cottage industries more. I used two local options as comparisons - MEC's Silnylon Guide & Scout, and Integral Designs Silnylon 2 & 3. My criteria was 1) weight (acted like a gram weenie), 2) size, 3) cost. I liked the ID Silnylon 3 at a local vendor but not the $200 price tag.

I got lighter (under 11 oz), cheaper, and the right size for my use.

BV nailed the satisfaction point. The materials I recall cost $160 CDN (1.32 C = 1US right now) and I bought some other fabric to make a sleeping bag for the puppy.

I looked at the warbonnet one you linked Red and I cant see myself using a hammock in winter as I have a snowtrekker so I don't think I have a need for the doors. I will have to look into that more as it is something I can see going towards. Unfortunately not many good hang spots where I hike - This past weekend I brought my net relax hammock along and could have used it at only one site - but we needed the trees for the tarps due to rain.
I bought some other fabric to make a sleeping bag for the puppy.

Be interested to see what you come up with for that. I cut the foot off an old 40 degree synthetic bag and sewed it up for Sadie and while it works I think it could be better. She'll lay on it but I don't think she really likes it. I thought she'd enjoy sleeping inside of it on cool nights but she only sleeps on top. I think for the same weight and bulk I should be able to get something a little lighter and maybe with some loft.
I saw someone who said they basically made a large double layer silnylon(?) stuff sack with batting between the layers. Opening the draw string turns it into a roundish bed that can be adjusted somewhat by how tight cord is pulled. To pack it they cinch the cord up and stuff it where it needs to be. Sounds like a good idea but I wonder if Sadie would like sleeping on that slippery material?

I always have a small sheet or two of foam that she sits on when in the canoe so I put her bed on top of that at night for extra insulation and to keep the bed dry if the ground is wet. But for whatever reason she seems very reluctant to sleep on the bare foam without something covering it.

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Hi Alan,

This link is to the project idea - not sure what I will actually end up with but probably some combination of the project below and the sleeping bag from RuffWear. Weight will be a key as will be size. She is a border collie / spaniel cross ("Sprollie" :rolleyes:) and kind of long.

Your drawstring idea is giving me some inventor type thoughts. Inflatable dog bed...hmmm. The modification feature of DIY is what I like the most.
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For years (for the dog) we used a doubled up piece of blue foam pad w velcro sewn or glued on back for an also doubled up piece of her favorite fleece blanket from home. Good for about 3 seasons of the year. In winter the little weasel would manage to get her head inside my bag which made for some interesting waking up moments (also barking at whatever in the middle of the night!). Dogless for years (me), my tripping buddies border collie has found me an easy mark on chilly nights...
Seam sealed and bought some fancy smancy Niteeyes clips and doo-dads. Just have to make a Stuff Sack and we are done. I think something like the CCS ones that Hoop demonstrated would be cool.

Here is the final pics:

Back Side

Front Sde

Big enough for me and the pooch to wait out bad weather. Except she is afraid of the big red thing in the yard - was fine to walk on it but not too sure about it in the air! We are gonna work on that!

Final Weight 14.1oz, or 399g That includes guylines, cam jam buckles and tarp.