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Help ID this old canoe (urgent update page 3) :)

Jul 13, 2019
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Notre Dame, Indiana
OK. If you've read my thread in construction you know what I've went through on my newbie canoe buying journey. Long story short. Bought a tank, hated the tank, sold the tank.
I have decided to go the cheap route & get something in the water I enjoy while saving my milk money to buy a fancier model.
I also need to learn proper handling & care of the canoe before I invest in any of that high tech material.
So we have this. Its 15'5 not sure on the brand yet, but from the pictures it appears to be a chopper gun fiberglass (which I am totally fine with) It's width is 36 inches & height she said was 10.5
I was hoping from the pictures someone might be able to knock out what brand it is & if they made decent boats or floating garbage (lol)
The deck seems to have a unique looking piece up there that might be helpful. It appears to be in great shape. No dents, bottom looks good. The inside almost looks like that popcorn texture doesn't it? Anyways. The price is perfect It will only be used for small lakes & slow rivers and will only be me & my German Shepherd.

Thanks again CanoeTripping. You have been so helpfu.


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Might help? Is that a hole on top of the ID plate? :o (ha. I didnt notice that in the pictures)
OK. I see it now. Doesnt look bad. ? Eek.


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Hmmmm.....lots of those types of canoes made by one company and rebranded by another. It will probably feel less stable than your previous canoe but it will paddle better. If the price is right, like close to free, it might make an ok starter canoe. I have to honest with you, and keep in mind that I have owned a lot of canoes, I wouldn't take that canoe if someone offered it to me for free. However, if I didnt have a canoe I'd take it. Looks like aluminium gunwales, so no maintenance there. For a hundred bucks or less it could get you on the water.
Yeah. Under $100. I didn't notice the hole before now I can't not see it. It looks solid otherwise yes? It's straight. Bottom looks OK?
Just something to get me through to winter.
Ok. Another option. Mohawk canoes. At least there is a name to put with it right? 17 footer. I bet I could get it for $150 and locally. Better quality boat?

I know. You guys hate me already : )
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Ok. Another option. Mohawk canoes. At least there is a name to put with it right? 17 footer. I bet I could get it for $150 and locally. Better quality boat?

I know. You guys hate me already : )

Yep!! You owe us beer! But a Mohawk is a decent quality canoe.. The trouble with the hole special is water getting into the floatation tank which turns it into a sink tank. Send Pics and money on the Mohawk.. My agent will pick it up for you!
I would take a Mohawk
Hah. I owe everyone a beer. I know. I'm being impatient and that's where I went wrong the first time. I was 5 hours away from missing someone selling a Dagger for $215. Why can't I see those deals when they post :(. So patient me says "wait". Impatient me says "take my money and get me on the water"
Okay Mr Wheeler Dealer what happened to your generous offer of 1 free kidney? Playing fast and loose with the milk money are ya? Well if it was up to me I'd check out the Mohawk. I didn't want to insult you with my opinion of these first two "canoes". So keep your kidney and I'll take 2 beers. lol
My final offer. And we'll toast your new canoe.
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The kidney offer is still available.
I will go check out the Mohawk. All I've seen is a picture of the belly. She has dropped to $200 but I'm a big schmoozer so maybe I can get her to drop more. I have Friday - Wednesday off work so that could explain the impatience, but patient me is still saying to wait.
I've seen worse! (but I've also seen better) a little patchwork, some scrubbing, and drop those seats a few inches, and it might be a decent paddler. My boats have run the gamut from free, to home built, to $3000 semi- custom ones, but it doesn't matter; what's important is "will it get you on the water, and "will it do the job you want"?
Start out with it, learn it's quirks, then if you want, pass it on to someone else and step up to a better one!
I have another mystery canoe. 15 9 . She said no markings. Aren't all boats required a hull ID.


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Sellers often have no idea where to find the HIN.. It is sometimes on a plate and if the plate has been removed you have a guessing game.. Most often its etched onto the outside stern but it is subtle. Boats prior to 1972 did not have HIN on them.
While its a chopper gun fiberglass boat it appears in decent shape. The seats are actually quite nice though unusual.
Is it chopper? Bummer. She said it was light. 35 wide 12 high. They did find the plate but only a ser #. Starts ZUR.
i thought with that nice of a finish it might have been an undiscovered diamond.
edit: according to then it was a gift to their daughter and has never seen water.
zur us some french Canadian company?
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I know. I know. "Not this freaking guy again asking stupid questions about stupid Canadian boats"
I just got home & did some homework. The company is Truedel Craft Boats http://embarcationstrudeletfils.com/
I even called them but again like I joked about before yes...they indeed do speak Canadian (French)
I'm not a rocket scientist but dang their canoes look sharp. If it IS translating right (in Google) their largest canoe weighs in at 66 pounds.
Is this a bad gamble of $300 (assuming they will take $250 & $50 gas to get it) The specs are nice (35 wide) 12 (high) 15.9 (length) and it it IS only 66 pounds could it still be a chopper? I cannot find any information on what they are made of on the site (but will continue to look.
Mais oui, je t'assure!

Canadians actually speak French, English and many other languages.

There isn't much on that website that tells of construction beyond the introduction and history of the firm speaking of using " fibre de verre"- fibre glass.
No talk of layup or such. And you are correct, the spec sheet shows the 16.3 foot Canot Ordinaire weighing in at 66 lbs. Which seems light for a 16 foot fibre glass canoe...

Ca va?

Yes. I called there & he answered, but no English. Sounded like I called his house.
I was just bartering with the seller. They were asking $350. I offered $250 since it would cost me $50 in gas to get there & back. They said $300 is best they would do....so I'm looking at a $350 mystery canoe. They do look sharp, but I'm not a rich or even a smart man ;)
66 lbs is average for that length.. Weight does not tell all.. You can have a little glass and a lot of resin. And a weak boat . Or the right amount of both.

It looks like the typical Quebecois work canoe.. ala Bastien Bros heritage. Serviceable and strong enough.. $250 plus poutine dinner.