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Hello from Rochester, NY, lots of time in the Adirondacks

Feb 10, 2022
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Webster, NY
Hello. We live near Rochester, NY but have a camp on Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks. I have been a kayak camper & backpacker historically but now the kids and wife want to get out more with me so we're adding a Rheaume Prospector to the fleet. We're also involved in a high-adventure Scout Crew and planning a week long Long Lake/Raquette River trip this summer with plans to complete the Tupper Lake Paddling Triad during the trip.

I am very hands-on and DIY and have built canoes and kayaks in both skin-on-frame and stitch & glue methods but the shop is just too busy with other projects to tackle a kevlar/glass boat at this time so went with a purchased boat. Plus the wife is asking for a sail boat to learn on so that's probably the next build.

Welcome from North Carolina. We used to have a farm outside Auburn and I attended St John Fisher in the mid-1970s. And our daughter is a RN graduate from Nazareth with one of our sons having a double IT major from RIT. It seems that a lot of our money went to schools in Rochester.....

We did a fair bit of kayak touring in the Adirondacks and, around 15-16 years ago, we came withing an inch of buying a place on Star Lake near your ADK place. Our fourth kid in college with two still to go made us hold off on that last bit though.

I'm looking forward to hearing more of you and maybe linking up on one of our trips back north.

Welcome from Florida. I used to live in NYS and had the use of a cabin in the Adirondacks further to the east. Did a lot of hiking in the area. Not so much canoeing. Mostly went further north for long trips.
Welcome from PA. I get up to ADK’s fairly often, its about 8 hours to get to Cranberry Lake. I’ve never seen one of those canoes in real life, but it looks nice. I have a couple prospectors myself. I do have one of the Rheaume 5’ coffee tables in my manhut.


Did you get the Rheaume from Oak Orchard in Waterport? I see they started carrying them last year. Can I ask what led you to choose the Rheaume ?
Yes, I did. Several reasons. After checking with the other stores (Regis in Saranac Lake, Bay Creek in Webster, etc) they seemed to be the only store with much inventory. The Rheaumes seem to have the best weight to cost ratio as well. I talked to Hemlock Canoes and their boat would have been 8-10 lbs heavier for the same price and their waiting list puts delivery at mid/end of May.

I also have been going to Oak Orchard for several years for my kayaking needs since they had the store in Webster (they said it's now closed permanently).
I will have to get out to Waterport and check them out then. I had a cedar rib and plank Rheaume solo a few years ago that I was quite pleased with, I can only assume their composite boats share the same quality.
I will have to get out to Waterport and check them out then. I had a cedar rib and plank Rheaume solo a few years ago that I was quite pleased with, I can only assume their composite boats share the same quality.
Another selling point for OOC was they offer lay-away so can make smaller payments over the winter and pick the boat up in the spring.
I too have built a few boats, including a high performance 19 ft dinghy.
Build was straight forward and similar to building a stripper
Here’s a link to some pics, to possibly get you motivated for the next project.
I too have built a few boats, including a high performance 19 ft dinghy.
Build was straight forward and similar to building a stripper
Here’s a link to some pics, to possibly get you motivated for the next project.
I like it! We were looking at the Jimmy Skiff 2 from CLC Boats (we built two Chesapeake 17s last winter). Are there plans for the K19? Quick google shows their web site is no longer up and available.

Last time I checked the WRC was still hard to come by due to the embargo with Canada so not sure if that is still going on though I know there are alternatives (haven't done a strip boat in about 14 years).
I have digitized plans for most of it, and some leftover hard copy stuff for the daggerboard and rudder.
It’s got a roomy cockpit and absolutely no concessions for comfort, it easily planes upwind if you can keep it flat.
It would be ideal on Cranberry
It wasn’t cheap to build, but similar performing production boats cost 4-5 times as much
I have digitized plans for most of it, and some leftover hard copy stuff for the daggerboard and rudder.
It’s got a roomy cockpit and absolutely no concessions for comfort, it easily planes upwind if you can keep it flat.
It would be ideal on Cranberry
It wasn’t cheap to build, but similar performing production boats cost 4-5 times as much
Gotcha, well if you're ever willing to share the plans I would be interested since they no longer are available.
Lemme look through my archives and see exactly what I have hanging around. We moved into the new home that MDB and I built last February and we still haven’t consolidated all of our stuff.
BTW, I’m in the town of colonie , so not that far from you.