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Hello from North Jersey

Nov 15, 2014
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Hello from North Jersey.

I'm the father of three grown children and grandfather of four young ones. I paddle an 18-foot Old Town Guide when I’m out with my wife, and a 15-foot Old Town Guide when I’m solo. Both are wood and canvas, with a combined age approaching 165 years. Nothing beats a w/c for pure enjoyment on the water, they've spoiled me for anything else.

As a North Jersey resident my home waters are the headwaters of the Passaic River in the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, the Delaware River and the Jersey Pine Barrens. We get up to the Adirondacks for a week of paddling almost every year. But when it comes to canoe tripping, I must admit I’m more of a voyeur than a voyageur.

But I’m a dedicated voyeur. I log on here pretty much every day (and I contributed to the last two fundraisers). What keeps drawing me back is the fresh information every visit, and a community of knowledgeable and interesting paddlers. My thanks to everyone who makes canoetripping the great site it is, and I hope to be able to contribute my bit.

Welcome to the clan Mike. Glad to hear you get out to enjoy the natural beauty of your area.
It seems to me you'll fit in just fine. Welcome again!
Welcome. Lots of folks here with lots of different experiences as you already know. Thanks for joining in.
Greetings, and welcome aboard. You are in like minded territory with many wood/canvas folks on this site. Have you got any pictures of the Old Town Guide being used?
Welcome Mike. We will have to meet up for a paddle on the Passaic come spring. I usually paddle The Monksville and Split Rock reservoirs, Round Valley and Spruce Run a few times. I am in Bergen County.
Bruce. We should definitely plan a spring paddle... either in your 'hood or mine.