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Hello from Mount Desert Island, ME!

May 4, 2022
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MDI, Maine
I've been lurking the past few weeks and thought it was about time I introduced myself. I've gotten into canoeing in the past year or so and recently bought my first canoe, a 13-foot Lincoln Hidden Pond. I've mostly paddled on and around MDI, but this past weekend I took it out on its first overnighter to Donnell Pond (I'll include a pic or two), and it performed quite well. I intend to do many more overnights as the summer comes closer, but I definitely need to restore the canoe a bit as it is fiberglass and has seen somewhat better days.

I have a couple questions, though. Firstly, does anyone have experience with the Hidden Pond? I've been thinking I'd like to do some more ocean paddling, island hopping, and maybe some sailing, something I've done very little of since I was younger. I'm just curious about thoughts on those topics with the canoe I have and the safety of it. It is a pretty short thing, and I'm just not entirely sure how well it would sail. I've taken it into the ocean once so far on a calm day, and it went fine; I'm just a little weary of higher winds related to sailing. Thoughts? I'm leaning toward Ray Goodwin's methodologies, but perhaps I would want to modify them a little to suit my intentions better.

Anyway, it's been great reading everyone's posts, many have been very insightful for me! Happy to have stumbled across this community.
Welcome to our little group. Glad you could make it. I'm sure you'll find plenty of useful information here.
There are 1000 pound sharks out there in the sea that are bigger than your canoe. Go paddle the Allagash! I know nothing about sea canoeing. Welcome from Pennsylvania.

I've been lurking the past few weeks and thought it was about time I introduced myself. I've gotten into canoeing in the past year or so and recently bought my first canoe, a 13-foot Lincoln Hidden Pond. I've mostly paddled on and around MDI, but this past weekend I took it out on its first overnighter to Donnell Pond (I'll include a pic or two), and it performed quite well. I intend to do many more overnights as the summer comes closer, but I definitely need to restore the canoe a bit as it is fiberglass and has seen somewhat better days.

I have a couple questions, though. Firstly, does anyone have experience with the Hidden Pond? I've been thinking I'd like to do some more ocean paddling, island hopping, and maybe some sailing, something I've done very little of since I was younger. I'm just curious about thoughts on those topics with the canoe I have and the safety of it. It is a pretty short thing, and I'm just not entirely sure how well it would sail. I've taken it into the ocean once so far on a calm day, and it went fine; I'm just a little weary of higher winds related to sailing. Thoughts? I'm leaning toward Ray Goodwin's methodologies, but perhaps I would want to modify them a little to suit my intentions better.

Anyway, it's been great reading everyone's posts, many have been very insightful for me! Happy to have stumbled across this community.
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Not a great canoe for the ocean though the Androscoggin River Watershed Council had a Lincoln Hidden Pond 14 that leaders used to paddle the whole 177 miles from Umbagog NH to Ft Popham ( we did not do rapids and portaged around dams) . I would not take it out on the ocean exposed to the swell though the gut between MDI and Trenton would be good.

Never seen or done any sailing in it.. It might work just fine on Long Pond or Echo Lake . Donnell Pond is a real gem and screams camp on me. Especially when you are beseiged with those from away in the summer. Also try Spring River Lake. Have you paddled Northeast Creek? Every time I go ( its three hours from my house) it is weed choked.

For bigger waters try Junior/Sysladobsis Lakes in T5R1 and Lakeville. Quite a few free camping sites. and not too big a drive for you
I've been lurking the past few weeks and thought it was about time I introduced myself.

Welcome to unlurked site membership, canoeao! Feel free to keep asking any questions and to post messages, photos and videos in our many canoe-related forums. We look forward, and downeast, to your participation in our community.

I'm not familiar with your canoe, but I'd be mighty careful about taking a 13 foot open canoe in the ocean unless I was sure there was no significant wind or waves in the forecast. Don't sail myself, other than having used a small canoe/kayak sail like the (former) Windpaddle. Have paddled all over and around MDI and Donnell Pond in seakayaks 20+ years ago.
Welcome to the site.

I have a 13 foot Mohawk and it handles well in the 10,000 Islands in South Florida.

But that is nothing like what I have seen in regards to the Atlantic up in Maine. I would think you need a larger boat.
Not a great canoe for the ocean though the Androscoggin River Watershed Council had a Lincoln Hidden Pond 14 that leaders used to paddle the whole 177 miles from Umbagog NH to Ft Popham ( we did not do rapids and portaged around dams) . I would not take it out on the ocean exposed to the swell though the gut between MDI and Trenton would be good.

Never seen or done any sailing in it.. It might work just fine on Long Pond or Echo Lake . Donnell Pond is a real gem and screams camp on me. Especially when you are beseiged with those from away in the summer. Also try Spring River Lake. Have you paddled Northeast Creek? Every time I go ( its three hours from my house) it is weed choked.

For bigger waters try Junior/Sysladobsis Lakes in T5R1 and Lakeville. Quite a few free camping sites. and not too big a drive for you
Northeast Creek is beautiful (when it’s not choked)! Pretty cool estuarine environment there. Sometimes you’ll spook the fish that breed in the mud.
Northeast Creek is beautiful (when it’s not choked)! Pretty cool estuarine environment there. Sometimes you’ll spook the fish that breed in the mud.
Also 177 miles… crazy! Definitely not intending to try anything quite like that soon. I’ll give some larger lakes and calmer oceanic areas some more time. Thanks for the advice!