• Happy Lips Appreciation Day! 👄💋💄

Happy National………Day

Yes, I research them almost every evening. I started out just with site-related announcements in the notice block, but then began to add national/international days, birthdays and historic events from several different online sources.

There are always many choices available for each day, and I struggle usually in vain to find birthdays of historic persons related to canoeing. For example, I only recently figured out that Bill Mason was born on April 21.

I will continue to use the notice block for significant site announcements, such as the next fund raiser, which probably will be a year from now.

There is a technical issue with the notice block system. If I make the notice dismissable (hideable), which I almost always do, it will not show up if I use it again in the future for anyone who dismissed it the first time. Members can restore dismissed notices in the Preferences section of their Account settings, but I'm not sure I can force a site-wide restoration of all dismissed notices if I want to use them again.

There are other sorts of notices, such as floating, rotating and disappearing notices, that I have not yet experimented with. My becoming the administrator here was like putting a tractor driver in the cockpit of a rocket ship. There are 10,000 switches, gauges and buttons in front of me, and at first I didn't even know what the labels meant for 95% of them. It's been a challenge but actually interesting, since I don't really have that much else to do.
Not too long ago it was Happy National I Forgot My Anniversary Day. Or something like that.

Yes, I completely forgot about my 51st wedding anniversary while I was obsessing over my newly acquired wood-canvas canoe. That notice was mainly intended as a secret apology to my wife, who looks at the site's home page daily.
September 15 was so rich with "Happy . . ." potentials, especially of historic folks who explored frontiers, that I put three birthdays in the notice block for the first time. And this treasured golden oldie from my youth premiered on September 15, 1949, on ABC-TV:

These happy day things are fun and I always notice them. Thanks for making the extra effort!
World no alcohol day??
Why that's every day for me since 1970!

Good for you. Since 1989 for me.

September 30 was dedicated to the birthday of drummer Buddy Rich (1917-1987). For those who don't know, Buddy Rich was, in my and many others' opinion, the greatest drum virtuoso ever in terms of speed, touch, power and creativity, beginning as four-year old "Baby Traps the Drum Wonder" in vaudeville. Here is a brief solo from 1982 when he was 65:

Nothin' quite like going against the grain.

Good pun.

The notice block is multigrained and unpredictable. We've had International Beer Day on August 5, National Rum Day on August 16, National Sober Day on September 14, Happy Start of Oktoberfest on September 17, National Drink Beer Day on September 28 . . . and we've got most of a year yet to go!
Well color me impressed to find out you're personally behind all these celebratory days. I figured it was just something you had subscribed to that was putting them up automatically.

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Re today's OT notice, this is what kids watched after canoeing in the early 1950's rather than TikTok:
