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Happy Holidays

Jan 31, 2013
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Warren, Manitoba
Merry Christmas from someone not politically correct.

Happy holidays, seasons greetings or whatever floats your boat.

Snowing like mad again here, at least another 4 inches overnight and blowing all over the place. Much better than in Toronto where it is what Brad? 12C and raining?

2 more days then 10 off so hopefully I get some boat work done.

Merry Christmas Karin. I wish we had some of your snow, everything looks dead here. We will get snow, after I'm sick of winter. Looking forward to some time off too.
Merry Christmas, and happy winter solstice. The days get longer from here on. I might get used to double digit (C) weather. Nearly 60F this week. We might get some real winter weather next month, if Manitoba can spare some. (ha)
I work at a very politically correct college so it's nice to be able to say Merry Christmas and not have to worry about the fallout. For those who don't celebrate that particular day, I wish for you the most joyous of New Years and trust that your future paddling adventures will be worth the wait. Take care all and until next time....be well.

Merry Christmas to everyone from snowless and iceless southern Minnesota! Went out canoeing the other day, have never been able to that around here after the middle of December before.
A Happy Holiday to you all. Snowless, approaching 60 degrees and so will try to celebrate with a paddle if I can. Hoping all enjoy this holiday with family and friends. I thank you all for all the great stuff you put out there for others to learn from it is truly one of the best things about this forum. And Robin, thank you for keeping this all going! BTW, I still expect to win the Ripster! Just saying.

Season greeting to all. We had rain here today, and looking at upper 60˚'s tomorrow, but thinking positive, I building a new snow roller for the High School Cross-Country Ski Team. 5-8" predicted for tuesday.
I'll add my Merry Christmas from Long Island 'caus that's what I celebrate. And Happy New Year, but I'm sure we'll be talking before then.

Santa gave me strict instructions ! No working on the canoe until AFTER Christmas. I pleaded, but to no avail !
So this little Elf will have to hang up his sand paper for a while, at least until Santa's not looking !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! To All !


Santa gave me strict instructions ! No working on the canoe until AFTER Christmas. I pleaded, but to no avail !
So this little Elf will have to hang up his sand paper for a while, at least until Santa's not looking !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! To All !


Hahaha, speaking of elves, I just spent three hours and a six pack of Samuel adams trying to assemble my daughter barbie house!

Merry Christmas everyone

Hahaha, speaking of elves, I just spent three hours and a six pack of Samuel adams trying to assemble my daughter barbie house!

Merry Christmas everyone


Those where the days! Now I'm just an innocent bystander, watching my sons try to unpackage those hard plastic containers, tiny screws and tight plastic ties.
I'm feeling at peace this morning. This time of year is very hard for me. I don't know why. I've tried to figure it out in years past to no avail. It just is. It ends up being like a long portage, just want to get it over and go on. This morning feels better. Like I said, I'm feeling peaceful. I used to just want happiness. For me, my happiness seems conditional and can be fleeting. Now it's peace I crave. Part of why I enjoy the outdoors so much. My wish for you all is peace on you and your household. Dave
Thanks Dave. I sincerely wish you and yours both peace and happiness.
"There's a silver lining to every black cloud." A nice sentiment, but I don't believe this at all. Not at all. But what I do believe and hold onto is finding small miracles of beauty around me everyday. Finding them keeps me going through bad times. They won't be miracles to most people, and they needn't be big flamboyant shows of colour and special effects...just the small things that make a difference. They make a difference to me. Like the breathe of wind and the woodsy smells it brings, the myriad of colours in an overgrown ditch of goldenrod and grass, the funny way kids have of skipping home from school on a friday afternoon, a neighbourhood cat dozing in a sunny spot next to a fence, and an elderly neighbour leaning on my fence complaining about the government and the weather...his eyes watering and his nose running from the cold...and then he smiles.
I wish you and everyone here peace. Peace to find our own small miracles at this time of year.
Peace to find what this extra screw was for after putting together a Christmas toy, peace to remember who gave me this ugly Christmas sweater, peace to smile at the strange looking marshmallow salad passed to me at dinnertime (which I hate so much and pass down the table saying "mmm looks good"), peace to find comfort sitting on a low rickety stool at a big family Christmas dinner table next to somebody who's name I can't remember (but they remember mine)...
and peace to just let all the stressful cares go for awhile. Till next year, and throughout the year. Peace.
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I'm just a blabber mouth Rippy. But thanks friend
Here's wishing you all some milk chocolately goodness in your canoe year.

Merry Christmas
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For those of you who have no snow for this Christmas season, here is our backyard after 2 storms in 2 weeks.

Our snow for your pleasure.

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I'm with you Dave. I always tell my wife when asked that I want peace and harmony. Of course she then starts singing and says she can't do the harmony part. I can't win.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Mihun. Many thanks for your snowy pic. We're having a brownish green X-mas down here. Feels just wrong. Cancelled our family ski-trip because all the hills are barren.

Wishing everyone peace, merry christmas and happy tripping season in 2016.