Western Edition
9:00 PM Alaska time, Happy Birthday Western Canada, it is Saturday night, so some in central Canada are still awake, doubt any on the far East side are though.
I sure liked Gordon Lightfoot and his music, I saw him live at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks back in 1974. I got to the Patty Center Gym well before the show so I could get a front and center seat. During the show, whoever was yelling the loudest got their favorite song, sung. I can yell really loud, so got to hear my favorites. We also got to hear his current hit (at that time) SUNDOWN twice as Gordon broke a bunch of strings during the first go around. "Out on runway number 9, big 707 set to go", still brings a big lump to my throat.
No one I know can resist Ann Murry or K.D. Lang, what wonderful voices.
If I still drank, I would hoist a brew to salute the 150th birthday, so I'll substitute a good black tea instead.