• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Happy 150th Birthday Canada!

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
Congratulations to our Canadian Friends as they celebrate their 150th Anniversary. Great Country and Great People!
TY Robin, the maple syrup is flowing already. The celebrations and concerts in Ottawa on Canada Days are televised on CBC, starting at about 11:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST. Gordon Lightfoot will be on in the evening, which will be interesting, so what song? And our paddling Prime Minister will be saying something about something. Rain is threatening this morning and there was a bit of a dustup the last several days about native rights and well-being and a protest tipi being set up next to the stage on Parliament Hill... always interesting.

Since it's raining maybe it'll be this song...

Congratulations to our Canadian Friends as they celebrate their 150th Anniversary. Great Country and Great People!

Absolutely ! I fondly remember my first Canadian trip! Thanks Canada !
That is an appropriate Gordon Lightfoot song.. So trying to paint the deck before leaving. Weather says no..We'll pick up the leftover party favors and confetti Tuesday. Have a wonderful party! My first trip across Canada was 50 years ago .. the 100th party... Of course there was four years of partying in Ottawa and Montreal in college before that!

Will be back in the US in Oct if they will have us. If not oh well
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For our friends and neighbours who may wonder what the heck goes on up here : http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada
Just another day in a complicated world. And I'm loving it. Lots to fix, lots to celebrate.
As it's our 39th wedding anniversary we had breakfast in bed. Team effort, I made the coffee, she made the scones.
But there's no sense laying around all day, canoe is racked and bicycles in the back. Picnic lunches made, and we're ready to go.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. Funny, I don't feel 150.
I'm going to try to finish the square stern build today, that's pretty Canadian, eh? I'd post pics, but F#$%&^((&^( photobucket ate them! In typical Canadian style, I will say I'm sorry photobucket for swearing at you.
I am fortunate to be visiting Canada this weekend. It was not by design to be here for Canada Day, it just worked out that way. I am truly enjoying being here as they celebrate their 150th. #canada150
Western Edition

9:00 PM Alaska time, Happy Birthday Western Canada, it is Saturday night, so some in central Canada are still awake, doubt any on the far East side are though.
I sure liked Gordon Lightfoot and his music, I saw him live at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks back in 1974. I got to the Patty Center Gym well before the show so I could get a front and center seat. During the show, whoever was yelling the loudest got their favorite song, sung. I can yell really loud, so got to hear my favorites. We also got to hear his current hit (at that time) SUNDOWN twice as Gordon broke a bunch of strings during the first go around. "Out on runway number 9, big 707 set to go", still brings a big lump to my throat.
No one I know can resist Ann Murry or K.D. Lang, what wonderful voices.
If I still drank, I would hoist a brew to salute the 150th birthday, so I'll substitute a good black tea instead.
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Not much of a trip report, but here goes...
To celebrate our nation's 150th birthday we packed a picnic lunch and drove to a nearby village to canoe and cycle for the day.
A morning spent amongst lily pads and leaning willows. Bass fishermen were abundant. One guy hauled in a respectable largemouth as we glided past; I quietly said "Nice one." He smiled back.
In the afternoon we loaded and locked the canoe and gear, unloaded the bikes and cycled south to sunnier skies.
In the next town miles down the trail we stopped for our picnic and a rest. Rested and restored we returned homeward.
Eventually dark thunderheads rolled in just as we pulled up to the van. High winds tore at the canoe on our way home. More rain. More hail. What a summer it's been. A patch of blue sky appeared as we pulled into the drive, so I could unload all the toys in comfort.
Later sitting on the back porch we toasted each other, our friends (all of you), family, our good fortune, and of course our young country.


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That looks like lots of fun Brad. We also spent the day on the water, and in the water, in the bush, and all manner of in between. One sacrificial pickerel was caught (and eaten tonight for supper). Portages were cut, others were recce'd, maps were made and a truly yummy beef stew was had for supper. Film at 11.00.
I am glad all you other folks had fun. Its the right thing to do.

Saturday morning, after coffee and eggs, we finished cutting out a portage then moved upriver, mapped out the next one then headed further up to the 5th of 15 to scout. Caught in a deluge on the way back then cleaned up the campsite a bit. Trip report to come.

Posting at the same time again...
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Brad and Miranda's date night part deux...

Nearly home we came up to a small farm market, so naturally we just had to stop and say hello. Hello fresh ice cream! Hello local strawberries! Hello today's fresh cheese curds! The young couple had only opened the day before. We'd visited them once before when they were working out of their farm and home, just around the concession road corner. She worried "We don't have everything up yet, on display and shelves stocked?!" I told her it looked great, and congratulations on a wonderful thing. They're both farm raised and ag school graduates. Most everything is straight from their farm. Milk, cheese, ice cream, and beautiful cuts of beef and pork. I hung around the bacon while Miranda made friends with the strawberries and ice cream (dulce de leche).
So naturally later we had the most traditional meals to celebrate. You already know what we had for dessert.
Here's supper.


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dang you're smooth Brad...no wonder she cant resist you.
Didn't go paddling for Canada Day
Instead we had four of these in the area. Had a clambake....lobster corn clams taters....inside.
Lovely post Robin, thank you. Totally agree...great country and great people. And real paddlers that appreciate canoes! :)
I just heard today that it's also 150 years since the Alaska Purchase so there is a lot to celebrate north of the border. YC or anyone else passing through Anchorage this summer PM me for my phone # and maybe we could meet or at the least I'd be happy to give you some local information.

FYI, we sell Tequilla in our grocery stores.:cool: