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Shutting down the site doesn't make sense to me. I would think that an effective blocking program would be sufficient. But I don't know enough about website management to say any more than this.

An effective blocking program takes time, money and know how. Non of which I have much of. Well, I have time, but not that much.
Sitting around a campfire this spring I complained to the others there about how much the organization we all belonged to spends on it's web site yearly. As usual, I had no idea what I was talking about and in time, I would learn some lessons.
There is a reason that all the major paddling sites have advertisements, to help pay the people who know how to keep the site up and running clean. It's a job that requires some real knowledge about web sites, always trying to stay one step ahead of the off shore bandit's, and alot of time learning and adjusting. I would imagine it can be very time consuming.
For those who don't know, I layed out my own money to keep this site running after it was to be shut down in February, 2013. I didn't want to take any of the money offered as I didn't know how things would pan out, and I was offered some substantial donations.
I investigated using an outside administrator (as in website host/designer/builder) but that took alot more money with no real estimate of future costs, as in a base fee this year with no guarantee what next years fee would be, plus an hourly rate to fix problems. With no experience in websites, I had to depend on the honesty of a person looking for my money who I have met on the interweb. That just wasn't an option I wanted to jump into.

So now we have problems, and what to do?
IMO, the only way this site can remain clean is with professional management. Being an Administrator or Moderator is pretty easy and straight forward.
Matching wits with the likes of the person who added those URL's is a full time job that requires more time and know how than anybody I know. That is why shutting down the site is a real option.
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Ran all of the tests and the site comes up clean. You can get computer diseases via other sources and the symptoms show up here.

But I bet not all the users are squeaky clean. I would feel better if all those members with zero posts got the heave ho.

That's some good information, I will use those sites to check on this site. I pay for Hacker Alert from Siteground but the fella I talked to yesterday from SG, Tony was his name:confused:, checked the site and said it was not hacked. At least I think that's what he said, he spoke fast and had a little bit of an accent.

I kinda agree about the folks who sign up, never post and never even log in again. I went thru and deleted a bunch of folks who had advertisements in their profile, maybe next I should think about removing inactive memberships.
There is a canoe site that did that to me, deleted me for inactivity, then wanted me to pay to sign up again, which I did when I was trying to learn more about this site. In the end it was a waste of $15, I didn't learn anything and rarely go there. But in all fairness, it is a really nice, informative site and the owner did some big time work to get it where it is.
Didn't this happen to "solotripping" also?

I don't remember how it started or developed, all I remember is that picture of young lady instead of canoe posts...
Didn't the title "Solotripper" annoy the mushroom crowd?
Another site I was a member of had it set up that if you didn't post anything in a year your membership got pulled. I wouldn't be bothered by advertising on the site. Better than paying.
I have two different types of anti virus on my machine and both say the site is clean (Kaspersky, and smart screen), it does show an attempted insertion by "www*realitykvadrika*cz" (which is a Czech real estate company) which links to "*viaprograms*org/which is an Asian/ American exchange program)",{I've intentionally broken the links to prevent accidental opening} in the header of the frames version, but it has zero width, zero height and zero bytes, so there's no live link.
Now I'm no programmer, but it looks like there were a couple of dead links that were zero'd out in the programming to me.
I am not getting any alerts or warnings today. Maybe we could ask for annual donations, with NO guarantees, from those who can afford to pay. I would hate to see a retired canoe tripper on limited income removed for nonpayment. Maybe we could make the profile mandatory for membership. Just a thought.
Mine got much worse today. Sounds like it isn't isolated to one computer. Something else is going on....
I get hijacked as soon as I go the "new posts". I got here by going to forms.

Bird, I like your new picture! Goes right along with my second childhood.

Best Wishes and I hope to talk to all of you soon without being scooped up and sent to some porno site!

I still don't see it.. where have you guys been that I haven't..

Don't answer that. L'Oiseu I love your avatar of your family!
I've long been at a loss to understand why anyone would do this to a canoeing site; maybe there is an partial answer. Last night, checking my e-mail, there was a message from my "Pay Pal" account indicating I'd won something. There is no such animal. This morning, an offer to increase the size of a body part. At this late date what would be the point? I remember similar offers when Solotripping was under attack those times.
So my friends, be careful and don't open anything until you've had your coffee.

I was thinking about all this as I was falling asleep last night. This site has what? Maybe 30-40 folks who post regularly. A hand full who we know but don't post all that often. And then those who joined but lost interest or something.
If this bad stuff is coming in with somebody like Dim-marcus, we need to raise the hurdle. It's true, we're nice people and want to welcome someone who has an interest in canoes and all the attached stuff. BUT the wear and tear on Robin and Driftwood is just plain B.S. And the threat that the site might get killed like Solotripping did is very serious. I really like the interaction here with all the fine folks and would miss it something awful if the worst happened.

So....what to do? Require that anyone who wants to join the site, send a check by snail mail to some address, let's say ten dollars, and when the check clears, they become members. Wouldn't that eliminate most of the off shore scum?
Frankly, this whole canoeing hobby is expensive and often a lot of work, so if the act of mailing in the application and the ten dollars is too hard for someone probably they need to take up some other intrest.

Best Wishes,
