After the G7 in Charlevoix got partypooped on, we decided it was time for a summit of 2. We already had a permit for Woodland Caribou when news of the fires reached us and made us decide that this summer would not be a good year to travel there. On short notice, we were able to get permits for Quetico (Pickerel Lake). We entered Sunday 7/29 and this year's motto was 'Rivers'. We followed the Pickerel River to Olifaunt Lake via Bisk/Beg/Fern Lakes and back via Deux Riviere. We saw several trumpeter swans but also some disturbing things. There is a campsite at the north outlet of Oliphant where a group had recently thought it a good idea to build camp furniture and brought for that purpose a pound of nails which they liberally hammered into live trees.

Another thing that made us scratch our heads was the thought what northern Quetico would look like without the dam which raises the water level at least 6'. It seems out of place in a wilderness setting.

The wind was against us and every mile was hard fought for. Not to mention that following the river involves some beaver dams with the accompanying mud.

When it got cooler, we even got to wear our long underwear and fleeces.

The last day started with 1 minute of a beautiful sunrise before overcast skies took over again.

A side trip up the Baptism River to Baptism Lake was interesting. We missed our turn and paddled up the French River for a good long way before we realized our mistake.
On our drive back to International Falls we caught on to the fact that we were to miss Atikokan's Big arse Class! I bet the village youth had something to do with that.

We were bummed not to be able to go to WCPP but, thankfully, it worked out that we could get in a nice trip in Quetico.
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