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Free Odds and Ends

Apr 27, 2020
Reaction score
Rochester NY
Hello all,

A couple of stray relics from the back of the gear stash. I have had these forever - they were in box of stuff given to me by a former employer from the early 80's.

The lantern still has parts available on ebay, and a quick search showed the cartridges are available as well. I cannot imagine why anyone would want one now, save for nostalgic reasons, but here you go.

The fuel bottle is German, and the company is still in business. Bottle never used. Since I have made a sworn commitment to NEVER use my MSR Whisperlite again I can part with this happily.

Finally, the old handwarmer, which a couple of people out there seem to still like.

All of this was heading to the trash when I thought someone might actually want/need this stuff.

If you do, PM your address and I'll send it to you with the receipt for postage and you can send a check for that amount. No hi-tech money wiring capability here.

Thank you!


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OK, the cleaning continues.

If anyone was born in 1972 I have a free gift for you.

Let me know and PM your address if you are interested.
Ok, one of my fathers things was to collect coins with the birthdays of the kids and grand kids, usually being 1/2 dollars, and would give them to us on birthdays. Fifty cents? What he heck. He was born in '29 and said his did this, so the $0.50 thing took on a different meaning.
So, going through his stuff I came across this half dollar. Quick check with aunt to see if anyone was born then and she said no.

So, in an attempt to have some fun and pay it forward I thought I would send it someone born in the appropriate year. Let's get this thing off my desk. New rule - if anyone here has any children born in '72 they win. I am cleaning out 85 years of his collecting stuff. He wasn't a hoarder - his place was always very neat and clean. Navy man, SS Stevens. I literally have check book registers from the 80's in chronological order. Going through this stuff is a drag. Somebody help me out here!
Fifty cents?

I can't relate to anything in 1972. I think I was married in 1971, but I'm terrible with anniversaries and dates, which has gotten me into many pickles thoughout life. I wouldn't be surprised if it costs more than 50¢ to mail 50¢ these days. I remember when first class stamps were 3¢, second class stamps were 2¢ and post cards were 1¢.

It was nice to make these equipment offers. It makes me think about just giving away all the canoes and kayaks I don't use any more. Selling is too much of a hassle for me. However, I'd have to figure out a way to implement a rule: If you show up, you MUST cart away the boat I put on the front lawn even if you don't want it.

So sorry I sold my father's Sawzall for peanuts when I cleaned out his house 10 years ago because I have no tool to cut up my canoes and kayaks to take them to the dump.
Ok, I'll find something to sweeten the deal, but I will have to keep the Shrade folding knife and Zippo lighter.

I'm there with you Glenn on the date stuff. I might be able to narrow things down to a decade - maybe.

Old Sawzall? Love it, and the new ones don't hold a candle to to the "vintage" ones. My father in law is a mechanical engineer and he has this shop with so many tools and equipment and I don't know what 75% of them do, but so many of his neighbors have made funny comments on obtaining them when the time comes I figure they are pretty valuable, and nothing is even remotely close new.
Hello Bill,

Sorry for the delay but I brought the coin to the post office today.

Folks, don't think Canada is just outstanding geography, great people, smoked meat and plenty of snow. They also have way cooler money then we do. Google image their money - bills with moose on them? We can't get that right down here.

I travel through Canada a bit so don't really think about, it but it occurred to me being so far south you may have never seen a Loonie before. This is possibly a foolish thought, however I put one in the box. Canada has had a $2.00 coin for some time now. This was a real conversation in the States some years back but we never pulled it off. Like the metric system.

Anyway, it was referred as the Toonie (sp?) since it was worth 2 bucks. So we have a $2.00 coin with a loon on it. Common sense and outdoorsy.

It was nice to make these equipment offers. It makes me think about just giving away all the canoes and kayaks I don't use any more. Selling is too much of a hassle for me. However, I'd have to figure out a way to implement a rule: If you show up, you MUST cart away the boat I put on the front lawn even if you don't want it.

So sorry I sold my father's Sawzall for peanuts when I cleaned out his house 10 years ago because I have no tool to cut up my canoes and kayaks to take them to the dump.

Are they in really bad shape or something? I will rent a u-haul and drive out there and take everything that will fit... 😃 Sell what my group can't use and send you a check from the proceeds minus uhaul fuel.

Maybe even trade you a sawzall... 😁
I am feeling an itch for a road trip to Connecticut. Sawzall to a canoe! Put canoe out by the nearest road with free sign before employing Sawzall. Hell announcing free canoe, pick up required and small donation to the canoetripping.net.
Canoes/kayaks I should get rid of:

Swift Winisk, expedition Kevlar, with rotted wood gunwales and partially sun-faded hull.
Lotus BJX, some minor defects
Perception Gyramax C1
Dagger Encore, w/custom minicell saddle and hip blocks carved/installed by Tom Foster
Millbrook Kevlar ME, lots of patches on hull, 3 foam saddles installed by John Kaz
Whitesell Piranha, w/Perception saddle, painted white and with lots of scratches in the paint
Eddyline Merlin XT seakayak, little used
Prijon Yukon Expedition kayak, w/rudder, little used
Huki V1B outrigger canoe, w/Batik fabric inlaid in hull ($3500 in 2004)

Maybe get rid of:

Mad River Royalex Explorer, w/wide center seat and thigh straps.

Likely to keep:

Hemlock SRT
Bell Wildfire
Lotus Caper
Nova Craft aramid Bob Special
W/C 15' Morris reproduction by Rollin Thurlow
Surge Marine Surge seakayak

Would trade one or more of disposables for an initially stable, lightweight composite 16'-17.5' tandem in usable shape. For two old folks to feel stable in, get in and out of, and able to lift.
That's quite the list of boats, Glenn! The memories you must have!

I have no doubt you could sell the Eddyline and Prijon touring kayaks in short order, and probably the Encore and the Lotus.
