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Four friends, seven days, 100 km of paddling on a lake tour in Germany's most beautiful paddle region

Feb 5, 2023
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Germany, Nohn
Four friends, seven days, 100 km of paddling on a lake tour in Germany's most beautiful paddle region.



canoeing in the “Müritz National Park"

The ice and water masses of the Weichsel glacial period once sculpted channels, basins and valleys into the landscape, leaving behind over 200 lakes, some of which are connected by streams. Since the invention of the folding boat, canoeists have discovered the old raft and fishing routes and now paddle through mostly nature and landscape conservation areas. In addition to the number and variety, the exceptional quality of many waters and the surrounding areas is impressive and the reason for their protected status. Nevertheless, most of the waters are accessible to canoeists. There are clear water lakes with visibility depths of over 8 meters, in which rare bracken algae, pondweed and the vendace, a delicate schooling fish, thrive. The shy bittern hides in extensive reedbeds. Brook lampreys and fastidious mussel species live in some streams. Otters and beavers colonize almost the entire area. Attentive canoeists will be treated to the sight of the osprey, perhaps even the white-tailed eagle.

It started early for me ... with rain, cold temperatures and 750 kilometers of driving ahead of me ...

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Arrive, unpack, set up, get the boat ready and then ...

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then finally the next morning the tour starts.

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There are small connecting channels between the lakes that can be paddled - but some are simply not there and then you have to portage.
It's good if there is a trolley system.

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Unfortunately, a friend injured his hand and elbow while paddling and could no longer paddle properly. We put him in the bow of a boat and continued the trip with his boat in tow.


It's the same every time - as soon as we get ashore, the mosquitoes attack us and try to suck us dry.

Have I ever said that I think the Thermacell devices are great?
As soon as they are switched on, the mosquitoes are gone within 10 minutes.

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I had also chafed my fingers ... but it quickly got better thanks to the tape.

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There is a lot of nature and wild life around us ... Just don't get too close - it's breeding season!
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and here a boat tow ... practical thing!

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there were also curious things to see


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Landing - Mosquitoes

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this little guy here could turn his head so much ... Great!

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and at some campsites the infrastructure was simply great.
Four-wheel Scherpas were ready to pick up my things.

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Yes, I could clean up a bit again.



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Even the most beautiful tour comes to an end and then the reworking begins at home.
Unpacking, spreading out, drying, sorting, filling up and putting everything back in its place.
See you next time.

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Great story. Thanks for posting.

I encountered some portage aids like you describe in a pourvoirie in Quebec; the access to Riviere Megiscane. They were designed for heavier fishing boats, but still made portaging a bit easier,
Michael, thanks so much for that interesting report and all the wunderbar pictures. Sorry for your friend's injury. I'm sure most of us have never seen portage trolleys and gear wagons like that.

Some questions:

The white canoe says Malecite on the side. Is it a Mad River Malecite?
Which of your two paddles do you favor, the animal tail (otter) or the rectangular (sugar island)?
Did you really leave your home at 6:58, drive 750 kilometers, and then put in at 9:12? Unglaublich!
@Glenn MacGrady

- The white canoe says Malecite on the side. Is it a Mad River Malecite?
No it it is a brand of LETTMANN

- Which of your two paddles do you favor, the animal tail (otter) or the rectangular (sugar island)?
In deeper waters such as lakes or larger rivers, I definitely prefer the Grey Qwl Northern Light Paddle
I like to use the Grey Owl Sugar Island paddle for faster, small watercourses or in shallower waters such as lakes or canals.
and of course this is also used in white water.

- Did you really leave your home at 6:58, drive 750 kilometers, and then put in at 9:12?
that would work with the DeLorean and his flux generator ...
For sure ... yes. We start the next Day. ;)
We had to paddle round about 20km per Day and so we had to start early. No problem for me - but one of our buddies didn't always agree. But he quietly accepted it.

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What is the custom about using the trolleys and boat tows—do you bring them back to their starting positions after unloading your boats? That would put them in position to be used by another group paddling the loop in the same direction. But what if groups paddled the loop in different directions?
Yes, the boat trolley has to returned to its starting position after use.
There are a total of four goods on the lorry track and there should always be two in the turning chamber.


With the boat tug, only one trolley is on the rails and must be returned to the middle of the track after use.

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It's the same with the four-wheel-scherpas ... after use -> back to starting point.


But not everyone does that! Unfortunately.
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Such a “portage system” is not the rule here in Germany and for us it was pure luxury ...
The area in which we were traveling (Müritz National Park) is amazingly well equipped for water sports enthusiasts such as canoeists and kayakers.
There are lots of landing sites where you can spend the night as a water sports enthusiast. There are also many campsites that invite you to stay.


Of course, it's not like that here in Germany. We simply don't have any space for truly free and untouched wide wilderness.
For comparison, Germany alone would fit twice in Texas.

But there is always a little bit of expedition feeling for me when I set off in my canoe. ;)

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I enjoyed your report and was surprised to learn that there is an area of Germany with such a concentration of lakes and rivers to enable a trip like yours. It looks more like Finland. Great photos also. Thank you for posting.
Your post-trip backyard scatter looks like mine. Clotheslines are sooo handy aren't they?! I daydream while I'm deconstructing the whole affair, remembering the small moments we enjoyed while I do the tedious tasks of drying, reorganizing, packing away...extends the trip.
The very little I know about Germany (sorry) has been multiplied by your trip report. Had no idea there was lake country there. Incredible!!
I've never encountered a rail system portage before, but often wished I had. lol. Although it takes away from the rustic appeal of canoe tripping it does increase the accessibilty for many. It's good (IMO) to strike a balance of developed and lightly touched routes. Something for everyone?
Thanks for this Kahel.
ps What do you canoe tripping Germans eat?

Yes it is very nice there to paddle. There are a lot of lakes and canals where it is not allowed to drive with motorships. Great.

Eating? Mhm - the same you do ...
Oat meal for breakfast, sandwiches and fruit for in between meals and, of course, finger food / power food.

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In the evening, dehydrated, home-cooked meals. Eggs with bacon and onions, meat if possible (but usually only for the first few days because it's harder to keep cool). Beans with bacon, potatoes, pancakes ...

my friends Breakfast table --- my quick oatmeal sip for breakfast.
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Then in the evening we cook “properly” ...
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and Coffee! a lot of it :giggle:

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Feasting in the evening.

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Of course, what I like about a multi-day canoe trip like this is the planning and preparation - starting with making the maps and deciding what equipment I should take with me for the trip, right through to drawing up a meal plan.

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And then, when everything is ready, it has to fit safely and securely into the canoe. I don't like having mountains of packsacks and garbage cans, small items, cans and bottles piling up in my boat.

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everything fits well.
