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Forum Idea?

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
I have been thinking about changing the forum to include Kayaks and SUP's, maybe call the site "Kayaks, Sup's and canoe Gals and Guys" We could have meet ups, pool sessions, special handshakes, multicolored helmets, a special mixed cocktail (no cheap beer allowed), maybe a weekend trip to NYC and watch kayaks in the Harlem River, you know, lawn chairs on the pier like a freestyle event..
Of course canoes will take a back seat, no more traditional stuff, that section will be dedicated to best foriegn cars to haul our boards and Yaks (Yaks, I like that)
Just the beginning, I'm very excited about this. I'm heading to Dick's this am to check out their selection of "Yaks", hope they have a nice color selection.

I'm selling a few Chestnut's wood canvas canoes cheap also.
I'm in! I'm getting sick and tired of building canoes anyway.

Make sure you get yourself a pair of really brightly patterned board shorts while you're getting the new boat at Dick's.

Yes, yes, yes! I have listed all my canoes and related gear on freecycle and will be starting to build a cedar strip SUP or maybe use mdf, it is cheaper.
I was going to mention that ,for you, we have a spare padded cell coz clearly you have lost it. Then upon thought things fell into place. But we do have the beach chairs lined up for you at this years Assembly where Old and New meet.

I suggest an Rx of paddling.

Now is this canoeing or is it not?
. You know those newfangled Voyageur canoes made of FIberglass...Some here.. I see no extra flotation! O wait dumping the Pacific is warmer than the North!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBTc1bHZng. IYIY Run if you see this coming

Going to Solomon Islands version of Dicks.. Are there snakes in there? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8PHlypaync
Either you've been sittin' too close to the woodstove Robin or there's a little too much rum in your morning coffee. Either way you've given me the biggest laugh I've had in a very long time. Thanks for that.
(Just in case, I'll keep my options open and start making adjustments to my trippin' philosophy. First I'll dig out my Raybans and muscle shirt. Then comes scarfing some hockey sticks and paddles. If I bust out my recip saw it shouldn't be too hard to cut my canoe down to a gnarly lookin' SUP. Pass me some of that coffee.)
Can I be the first to ask to change my name to...The Dude?
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That should good for the quiet days around here. A little dialogue; a little diatribe. Who goes first?

Weird News of the Day, April 2, 2016

Enraged mob beats poster of political message to bloody pulp using canoe paddles.
I'm gonna go to Omar the Tent Maker and ask him how many spandex-es he will have to kill to make me a pair of yoga pants that will cover my arse. Then off to the hot wax clinic for a little man-scaping, maybe a dye job for my beard. I'll have to make my own kayak, cause me arse won't fit in any of the Devil's craft. Then I'll hide a 24 of bud lite cans under the kayak, and I'll keep refilling the bottle of "Pretensions", the latest yuppy beer made from the balls of beavers and hummingbird tongues. I'll cruise the chicks on the kayak strip, hoping that they're less hairy than me. How does one consummate a relationship in a kayak anyway? I'm eager to find out, as long as it doesn't involve breathing apparatus, I'm in! Sounds like a lot of fun, my old Dad always told me a change was better than a rest!
I'll cruise the chicks on the kayak strip, hoping that they're less hairy than me. How does one consummate a relationship in a kayak anyway?

I’d suggest a cowboy entry using stirrups:


I that link may have underperformed Rob’s eager expectations. By way of apology I’ll recommend cruising the less hairy paddleboard yoga chicks.

It was bound to happen, even Robin has gone to the dark side . I guess I'll have to give up venison and beer for gardenburgers & bottled water. Abandon buffalo plaid for duds that make me look like a tropical fish. Oh well !
What? No happy baby?

I searched high and low but couldn’t find a Happy Baby paddleboard photo.

Perhaps Memaquay will oblige your request once his manscaping is complete and Omar has finished with his XXL yoga pants.

Mem, no need to post that photo, just PM it to Alan. I see a new screensaver in Iowa.
I'm gonna go to Omar the Tent Maker and ask him how many spandex-es he will have to kill to make me a pair of yoga pants that will cover my arse. Then off to the hot wax clinic for a little man-scaping, maybe a dye job for my beard. I'll have to make my own kayak, cause me arse won't fit in any of the Devil's craft. Then I'll hide a 24 of bud lite cans under the kayak, and I'll keep refilling the bottle of "Pretensions", the latest yuppy beer made from the balls of beavers and hummingbird tongues. I'll cruise the chicks on the kayak strip, hoping that they're less hairy than me. How does one consummate a relationship in a kayak anyway? I'm eager to find out, as long as it doesn't involve breathing apparatus, I'm in! Sounds like a lot of fun, my old Dad always told me a change was better than a rest!

a) Go easy on Omar. It's a giant step from hot tents to hot pants.
b) That's a lot of wax.
c) After the wax job nobody will be less hairy than you. Or brighter pink.
d) I don't recommend making out in a kayak, not that I've tried, but if you do take Mike's suggestion seriously for a couple of stirrups...and a trapeze wouldn't go amiss either. Good luck. Mind the foot pegs.
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