Yep. Possibly depressing for the future, but most of the people I see out in my parts renting canoes are certainly less than 50. I have several of my friends recently converted to canoe ownership or god forbid yaks, but at least they are owning a watercraft. It's a step. To get all philosophical our main goal is just to go camping away from humans in the ever crowded world. The canoe is the vessel for that, but I can't say that many of my group of millieniums is eager to learn the skills more than paddle forward and goon rudder. I'll soldier on and try to teach them a thing or two that I learned from you all. The interest will come in time. Not to worry Mike, there will be a good crop of 50 year old dorks in 20 years that will keep lively. I'll be one of them.
Edit to add: And by the time I'm 80 canoes will weigh 3 lbs and hover over the water with zero frictional resistance.
Edit to add again: Just think of the future godlike status of McCrea, YC, Robin, Dodd. Hell, Gage will build the first 3 lb canoe and he'll only be 88.