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First solo post chemo..or a dabble in the Daks

Sep 2, 2011
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Raymond, ME
Went to Little Tupper Lake Friday and camped on Round Lake for two nights then moved to Little Tupper proper. Mileage covered ..? Not much. Was nice to get out there and learn that I can still set up camp for myself and I can hoist the packs though there was no portaging.
Watched thousands of geese fly south overhead. The noise during the day was intense from their honking. Round Pond had a mom loon and baby not so baby sized anymore.

Friday and Sat nights were frosty. Of course I forgot gloves and long underwear.. duh

Sunday was milder and I had spent time painstakingly selecting a site on Little Tupper to maximize the view of the eclipse. I recall someone mentioning 8 pm. I was set up with camera and tripod at 645. By 10 PM I was cold and a steady wind came up the lake. And the moon was disappearing behind the trees just behind me.

I went to bed. I liked everyone elses photos that I have seen. I was told Monday by another camper that he had not planned for the eclipse but was awed by it till halftway through clouds erased everything entirely.

I posted some random pix on Facebook. You don't need to sign in to see them.


I also forgot about the dumbness of loading a boat bow heavy in a stern wind. Gentle by Little Tupper standards( The camera gear that I normally would never take was heavy..about 20 lbs) the WildFire wanted to swop ends. I kept having to spank it in its stern with sharp draws. I have had pain with a double blade and used a little Zaveral bent for my single blade. Ive had it for twenty years but just now its becoming my favorite touring paddle.
Glad you were able to get out and do well.

Photo link didn't work for me.

Nice, it was cool Sunday am here and I was wondering how you where doing at Little Tupper or wherever you ended up in the ADK's. Glad you where able to get out and enjoy a solo trip, pics didn't work for me either
Thanks guys. I thought the album was public and it wasn't.. Would you mind trying again? I'd post here but Photobucket is being a PITA about sharing. It just shares links.
Or as is entirely possible I am behind in technology for posting pics.

I recommend site 5 on Round for hiking old woods roads in search of....game....Its the nice beach site.
and right now its back to a link. When I posted my thread it was pics, this morning it was links nows its pics
and right now its back to a link. When I posted my thread it was pics, this morning it was links nows its pics
For some reason ( read I think that PB has some ulterior motive) I think its on the PB end. Not Robins end.
We might move this to a virtual conference call. IMO its not worth bandwidth
It's a little more work reading a post to click the on the links, but I'm not worried about which way mine end up. It started out right in the preview.
The irony is my interweb is so slow that I can't see the pics on facebook because they take about ten minutes each to load. But the one Robin posted above sure is a beauty! I'm glad you had some gorgeous scenery. I am sure wanting a solo trip too, glad you got out!
To post the picture here I clicked on the picture in FB and it enlarged to a solo picture on my screen then I right clicked and hit "copy image"

Great photos. Thanks for sharing those, and your first post chemo solo tr. A big trip for body, mind and spirit. My best wishes.
Congrats on getting out YC and a rejuventing solo trip at that! Couldn't see the pics when I clicked on your link since I don't have a FB account. Logged in with my wife's pass and got to see your lovely shots.
Yellowcanoe, I wasn't too far from you this weekend paddled the lower saranac to the middle and camped at weller pond. stayed in camp all saturday and listened to the goose music , love to just lounge and dream to it .
I know..the geese were deafening.. Periodically I would hear one just flying around honking and looking for a bunch to join.