Today’s project, design removable Reflectix covers for them, for some in-canoe sun protection. It won’t be much of a cooler disguise wrapped in a Reflectix coozie, probably look like a portable meth lab.
I started with the 20L dry bag cooler first, as it presented the greatest design challenge. Because of the front strap configuration I couldn’t use a single top to bottom wrap of Velcroed Reflectix. A two piece wrap resolved that issue.

The lid got more challenging. As with the hardshell Igloo coozie I want to be able to open the lid without any frou-frou. Or, actually, lids; an attached reflective coozie top, the flap cover of the day pack, internal cord cinch and the dry bag roll over inside. Anyone need anything, I might as well get two while I’m multiple layers into it
The lid needs to be a 5” deep box to cover the exposed top of the pack, and the back pack straps are then kinda in the way. It’s a ex-DougD day pack, so of course it has special challenges.
That design required some thought, a contemplative Loose Cannon IPA and other funny business. Aha, some cut-out flaps for the shoulder straps will resolve that deeply capped issue.

Eureka, sometimes the magic works.

The 10L dry bag cooler should present less of a challenge; the shoulder straps are attached high and low enough on the bag to allow a one-piece Reflectix wrap, and I can use the access-flap trick I learned with the 20L for access to the webbing strap holding down the day pack top.

Ohhh, I like it. I oversized the Reflectix wrap (and Velcro spacing ) so the wrap would still fit if the front pocket on the pack was bulging with, um, accessories. FWIW I really like that both daypacks have external storage pockets; I be loading them up when I’m done.
The 20L daypack top was more rectangular, the 10L is rounder. This could get weird, and experimental.
Arched half moon wings descending from the lid would be très élégante. Why not, it gives me a chance to use the (one end) tapered-end Flex-fix tape cut for application across a circular area. Same as affixing the circular bottom of a pot or pan coozie, that tapered cut leaves the tape flat and uncrinkled.
I sharpie the side-wing curve on a scrap of Reflectix, cut that half moon out, and cut a half dozen short pieces of Flex-Fix tape, flat on one end, and 30 degree-ish angle on the other. That simple angle cut lies flatter around curves. Each cut piece starts the next, flat/angle/flat/angle for 6 or 8 pieces of tape. Thanks to Joel for that simple angle cut demonstration, works like a charm taped across a circular rim.

Not a portable meth lab. I have the R2D2 of coolers. I may need to paint some graphics on it, and hide a speaker. A wave of the hand and “No, these are not the Droids, or cooler, you are looking for”
The R2D2 lid opens and closes along with the day pack flap

I still have some Reflectix left, and some Flex-Fix tape, but I’m about outa stuff that would benefit from some reflectivity. T’was fun while it lasted.