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digital plans Prospector 16

Jul 3, 2024
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hello from The Netherlands!
i am stephan, furniture maker/designer from Utrecht in The Netherlands. I am planning to build my first canoe soon and I want to start with the prospector 16.
I have a cnc so I would like to use it for making the mould. I just cannot find digital plans somewhere, just the paper version.
Anyone knows if it exists and where I can buy or download them? I hope someone can help.
Thanks already for your time to respond.
greetings stephan
Welcome, Stephan. That sounds like a fun project.

Most likely the only way to get digital plans is to make your own.

There is a free version of delftship software available that would let you do this. It will allow you to import images in the background that you can then use as a pattern to trace your plans. But it would probably be a lot faster to just draw and cut them out by hand.

I have converted many paper only plans to digital.
It’s tedious and time consuming, but only needs to be done once per design.
Once you have a set of points for any given section, a spline fit through those points is easy enough in any CAD program.
I usually do two separate splines for each half of a section, then compare those halves to be sure they’re symmetric. Repair any deviations then mirror the repaired spline, mirror and move on to the next section.
Some guys have the luxury of a digitizing table, but I did mine with x-y overlay and an Excel spreadsheet.
Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress.
Stephan - northwestcanoe.com has canoe plans for download. If you look at the Northwest River, it is a 16’ prospectorish design that might be what you’re looking for. It may even be an improvement over an actual prospector. They used to offer this plan and some of their others for free but now they are $4.99. Myself and many others have built some of their other designs that are documented here on canoetripping.

Stephan - northwestcanoe.com has canoe plans for download. If you look at the Northwest River, it is a 16’ prospectorish design that might be what you’re looking for. It may even be an improvement over an actual prospector. They used to offer this plan and some of their others for free but now they are $4.99. Myself and many others have built some of their other designs that are documented here on canoetripping.

sounds good mark! thx. I will look into that!
Stephan, I can't help with digital canoe plans, but I do want to welcome you to site membership! Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, please add your location to the Account Details page in your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar, as this is a geographic sport. Many of the site's technical features are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.