I'll take the last one on permanent loan, if you don't mind.
My current dog was chosen based on how well she'd fit in the canoe and run through tall prairie grasses. Long legs but not overly tall, lean, agile, and under 30 pounds. Not too much inconvenience in the canoe and easily offset by the enjoyment having her along brings. I have no trouble with her in my skinny solos. In my Magic there is room in front of my feet for a small pack but that's about it. I think, on this trip, I should try to get heavier items in that front pack to better balance the heavier load behind.

20120828_007 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
My current dog was chosen based on how well she'd fit in the canoe and run through tall prairie grasses. Long legs but not overly tall, lean, agile, and under 30 pounds. Not too much inconvenience in the canoe and easily offset by the enjoyment having her along brings. I have no trouble with her in my skinny solos. In my Magic there is room in front of my feet for a small pack but that's about it. I think, on this trip, I should try to get heavier items in that front pack to better balance the heavier load behind.

20120828_007 by Alan Gage, on Flickr