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Deer camp canoe trip

Robin - Thanks for the video. Even though the weather and hunting may not have worked to your benefit, you were still better off than a lot of us because you were able to be out paddling & camping. I'm a bit envious but now that I finally have a hot tent set-up, I'm going to have to give this a go. Thanks for the inspiration.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Not time to quit Robin, time to adapt. Maybe as we get older we have gotten wiser. For me bad weather in the fall or winter is very hard on my psyche. Can't fully relax and the short hours of daylight add to the restlessness as I wait out bad weather when I am at my MN cabin. Seems like a camp with a weather proof exit might let the good times prevail.
A spring trip sounds interesting , any suggestions as to adk location. when do fees start ? when does fishing season begin ? A lot of factors for winter time reveries.
Robin - I'm intrigued by your idea of an early spring trip. Depending on the dates, I'd definitely consider it and would bring my hot tent (tipi actually) set up with me. Just keep us posted as your idea continues to ferment in your cerebral cavity!

Until next time...be well.

A spring trip sounds interesting , any suggestions as to adk location. when do fees start ? when does fishing season begin ? A lot of factors for winter time reveries.

Mr runes,
I can answer those questions.

Fees? No fees in the ADK's, there are varying regulations depending on whether you're in wilderness, wild forest or primitive ares.
Trout season starts April 1.
Ice out varies from year to year and within the ADK's, but most larger bodies begin to break up mid April to late April. Some high elevation ponds retain ice until mid May.
If you've never visited the Adirondacks, I highly recommend it!! There are enough mountains, waterbodies and history to take a lifetime to explore it all...and NYS is constantly acquiring more public land and access rights.
I've been curious about your hunting technic ? Are you allowed to shoot from a boat ? Here in Northern Iowa, we are not allowed to use a high powered rifles, and are limited to shotguns with slugs, muzzleloaders, and handguns. No shooting across water, or public roadway.

Thanks Robin.

There are permits and fees at campsites administred by the DEC at certain times of the year. Wasn't sure of beginning of fishing season , starts two weeks later down here in pennsylvania. Love the ADK , have so many favorite former campsites that I would like get back to yet so many locations on the map to get to but I'm running out of time. My new year resolution will be to double my efforts.
Geeze, I gotta retire. I'd love to come down and see how the other half lives. Might even bring some Canadian beer to see how you fair with full strength brew! (from the not so secret lover of american brewskies). I had a couple of full strength Canadians the other night and tried to take my pants off over my head. Not for the meek!
Great video and photos, I'd love to take a trip like that. That's a cozy looking set up and a beautiful area to spend some time, even if you didn't get much hunting in.
I've been curious about your hunting technic ? Are you allowed to shoot from a boat ? Here in Northern Iowa, we are not allowed to use a high powered rifles, and are limited to shotguns with slugs, muzzleloaders, and handguns. No shooting across water, or public roadway.
Thanks Robin.


Yes, you can shoot from a canoe but the deer can't be in the water. The areas I like to hunt in Lows are about a mile apart, so I have camped in-between and paddled to them, leaving the canoe and setting up at a spot in the woods. I also walk a little.
Rifles are the norm there, here in Connecticut it's rifles on private land (over 10 acres), shotgun on state land. My sons use 20 gauge rifled slug alot even when they can use a rifle, they shoot well.

Geeze, I gotta retire. I'd love to come down and see how the other half lives. Might even bring some Canadian beer to see how you fair with full strength brew! (from the not so secret lover of american brewskies). I had a couple of full strength Canadians the other night and tried to take my pants off over my head. Not for the meek!

C'mon down, lots of room and my door is always open. I know what you mean about the Canadian beer...I'll stick to the watered down stuff we have here.
Interesting how different states have different regulations. I have on three occasions used my canoe to haul my bow shot deer out. They all hold special memories !
Thanks ! And Good Luck hunting!

Shower Curtain hangers. that's - genius! I have a bunch in the junk bucket - some are going in the Snowtrekker!

Thanks Robin. Like your setups.
Thanks GF, I saw those shower curtain hangers somewhere in a tent and gave them a try, they work well at keeping little things handy. I would like something more "traditional" to hook my gear to, but they also have to be lite weight and compact.
Rain is a pain, lucky me so far so good going to the ADK. Haven't been in an all day rain out. Love the tent set up. Might have missed it but how long does it take you to set it up?
Geeze, I gotta retire. I'd love to come down and see how the other half lives. Might even bring some Canadian beer to see how you fair with full strength brew! (from the not so secret lover of american brewskies). I had a couple of full strength Canadians the other night and tried to take my pants off over my head. Not for the meek!

Retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. I lasted 2 1/2 years and went back to something I've wanted to do but won't pay the bills
I'm enjoying an 11% 'Triple Bag' Adult Seasonal Beer Beverage from the great state of VT also not for the meek. A 'One and Done' kind of beer best drunk just before bedtime. My beer of choice is the 7.2% 'Double Bag' both from Long Trail.
Love the tent set up. Might have missed it but how long does it take you to set it up?

About 15-20 mins with the tarp over the top. The interior frame really speeds things up and if I left the guy strings attached and rolled up to the tent and tarp, I'm pretty sure I could be set up under 15 min.
The stove takes a good 5-10 mins, more.
I made beer in used icing tubs from a donut shop once....got 2.5 gallons of vanilla beer and 2.5 gallons of maple walnut beer. I am not sure what the percentage of achohol was but it caused a pretty decent buzz right before the headache set in...lol.

Dude! You're being way too hard on yourself. My boyfriend and I are in our late twenties and paddling 14 miles to set up a hot tent in the wind and rain would be a struggle for the two of us together, never mind solo.
About the hunting.. Them's the breaks, right? I have a friend who drove way up north this weekend to hunt deer and came back empty-handed, and that's staying at a cabin with vehicles and a support team of five other guys.
I love the look of all your traditional gear. Nice Canadian Dinner Jacket, too. I'm really interested in your tent system, but I can't figure out how all your connectors and things work. I'm a total n00b at this stuff.
Thanks for posting.
Christine I did a bit of brewing back in the day, I even made a special batch in 20 oz plastic bottle for a canoe trip and go figure, 9 people on the trip and I'm the only on who likes good beer. One of the better trips I've had.