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Decked Canoe Conversion

Regarding a carry yoke, for my North Wind I crafted a yoke of 15 layers carbon, fiberglass, Kevlar using a Canadian wood contour yoke as a mold. Added a little foam padding. Clamp it onto the cockpit coaming rim. Attach behind the seat when paddling. Works good once I get the canoe up on shoulders. That's the rub, after a long paddle it's a bear to lift without banging the bow down, especially with a little water weight in the boat. Very soon I will be buying a small wheels thing for the stern to ride, hopefully will make launching and pulling back to the car easier.

OFaceFul, have you ever paddled a Kruger Sea Wind? If so, how does yours compare. I have a friend with one and have been able to paddle it. Seems like the perfect canoe for big lakes, big rivers, ocean etc.
wow, you did a great job on that. I'd a been sweating bullets cutting the shear too.
The shear line on the original stripper was 14" at the center and 18" at the ends. The decked canoe is 12" at the bow, 10" at the stern, and 14" at the front edge of the coaming, which is 1" tall. With a do-over I'd make the coaming a bit taller, but that's just picking nits.