• Happy 3rd Moon Landing, Apollo 14 (1971)! 🚀👨‍🚀🌕

Custom Made Outdoor Gear

My barrel organizer bags came all the way from snowy Manitoba, and I'm really happy with them.
I like how the reinforcing (piping?) around the bucket opening helps to keep them open in use.
These are my first bags of this type, and given their toughness likely my last ever needed.


Customized to my colour choices and dimensions. Solid materials and quality craftsmanship.
Thanks Chris, I can't wait to use them.

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I think I like the idea of a drawstring closure. Mine have zippers and they work fine but the drawstring might be a little quicker to open/close and less chance of it failing during a trip.

Good Job on your website - Nice pictures of Holly

(check your barrel production times text for a missing word)